- NLM Classification (25)
- WB Practice of medicine (13)
- WB 340-356 Drug Administration (13)
- WB Practice of medicine (13)
Geiger-Gritsch, S. (2020): CAR-T Cell Therapies, ATMP and Gene Therapies in Development, Horizon Scanning: CAR-T Cell Therapy. AIHTA Policy Brief 006a.
Geiger-Gritsch, S. and Absenger, G. and Endel, F. and Flicker, M. and Hermann, A. and Kocher, F. and Olschewski, H. and Pall, G. and Wurm, M. and Zechmeister, M. (2021): Health Services Research in Oncology: Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Anti-PD-1/PD-L1 Therapy in Real-World Practice. A Pilot Project in Cooperation with Tirol Kliniken GmbH & KAGes. HTA-Projektbericht 126.
Gregor-Patera, N. and Wild, C. (2017): Research interests of Non-interventional studies (NIS) in Austria. Update of the systematic analysis. Rapid Rapid Assessment 007c. Update 2017.
Harrington, P. and Lucey, D. and O’Brien, K. and Jordan, K. and Moran, P. and Marshall, L. and Wilbacher, I. and Gloeckner, L. (2019): C-reactive protein point-of-care testing (CRP POCT) to guide antibiotic prescribing in primary care settings for acute respiratory tract infections. EUnetHTA-Report . HTA-Projektbericht 116.
Schmidt, L. and Prenner, A. and Lohr, P. and Wild, C. (2019): Public & philanthropic financial contribution to the development of new drugs: Methodology & 3 Case Studies. HTA-Projektbericht 120.
Sehic, O. and Wild, C. (2022): ATMPs and Gene Therapies in Development. Horizon Scanning – Update 2022. AIHTA Policy Brief 006b/ 1. Update.
Sehic, O. and Wild, C. (2021): Non-interventional studies (NIS) in Austria, 2nd update of systematic analyses 2016 & 2017. AIHTA Policy Brief 010.
Wild, C and Wolf, S and Goetz, G and Walter, M and McEntee, J and Stanak, M and Ettinger, S and Strohmaier, C and Erdos, J and Huić, M (2020): Covid-19: HSS/ Horizon Scanning Living Document. AIHTA Policy Brief 002.
Wild, C. and Wohlhöfner, K. and Sehic, O. and Grössmann, N. (2020): CAR-T Cell Therapies, ATMP and Gene Therapies in Development, Horizon Scanning: ATMPs and Gene Therapies. AIHTA Policy Brief 006b.
Wild, C. (2005): [Treatment of osteoporosis]. HTA-Newsletter 41: pp. 3-4.
Wild, C. (2005): [Erbitux®/Cetuximab for metastatic colorectal cancer]. HTA-Newsletter 40: pp. 2-3.
Wild, C. (2005): [Medical progress. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 40: pp. 1-2.
Wohlhöfner, K. (2021): (Good) practice organisational models using real-world evidence for public funding of high prized therapies. HTA-Projektbericht 138.