- NLM Classification (17)
- WM Psychiatry (3)
- WM 140 Mental disorders (3)
- WM Psychiatry (3)
Patera, N. and Reinsperger, I. (2013): Treatment by clinical psychologists. Part I: Overview of training requirements and systematic stakeholder analysis on delineation of areas of responsibility and treatment methods. HTA-Projektbericht 69a.
Piso, B. and Reinsperger, I. (2014): Sustainability of inpatient psychiatric rehabilitation for adults: systematic review. HTA-Projektbericht 75.
Reinsperger, I. (2021): Parent-Child-Pass Update 2020/21 – Screenings for mental health, nutrition and social competence. AIHTA Policy Brief 005.
Reinsperger, I. and Paul, J. (2022): Perinatal and infant mental health care models and pathways. HTA-Projektbericht 148.
Reinsperger, I. and Patera, N. and Piso, B. (2013): Treatment by clinical psychologists. Part II: Literature overview on methods of treatment and areas of application. HTA-Projektbericht 69b.
Rosian, K. and Winkler, R. (2017): Psychotherapy - concepts, effect factors and a comparison of legal regulations in three German speaking countries. HTA-Projektbericht 93.
Strohmaier, C. and Hölzle, L. (2021): The economic and societal dimension of parental mental illness. HTA-Projektbericht 142.
Winkler, R. (2018): Dropouts in Psychotherapy. Part I: Predictors, theories and models to explain and recommend courses of action to avoid discontinuation of therapy. Part II: "Overview of Reviews" on dropouts in psychotherapy. HTA-Projektbericht 100.
Zechmeister-Koss, I. (2023): Perinatal and infant mental health care in Austria: A mapping of existing prevention, screening and care structures, with a specific focus on Tyrol. HTA-Projektbericht 151.
Zechmeister-Koss, I. and Kern, J. and Edlinger, M. (2024): Uptake of Mental Health Benefits in Women Before and During the Perinatal Period: An Analysis of Austrian Health Insurance Data. HTA-Projektbericht 154.
Zechmeister-Koss , I. and Goodyear, M. (2018): Supporting children who have parents with mental disorders in Tyrol: A mapping of existing Tyrolean support and societal structures. HTA-Projektbericht 113a.
Zechmeister-Koss, I. and Tüchler, H. (2018): Prevalence of mental disorders and uptake of mental health services in Tyrol: An analysis of epidemiological literature and administrative data from the Tyrolean health insurance. HTA-Projektbericht 113b.