Goetz, G. and Hofer, V. and Jeindl, R. and Walter, M. (2022): Telemonitoring in Austrian diabetes care: A systematic analysis of evaluation methodologies. HTA-Projektbericht 143.
Hofer, V. and Wild, C. (2022): Upper airway stimulation for moderate-to-severe sleep apnoea. Update 2022. Decision Support Document 100/ Update 2022.
Gassner, L. and Wild, C. and Hofer, V. (2022): Chemosaturation with percutaneous hepatic perfusion for patients with liver cancer. Decision Support Document 133.
Gassner, L. and Hofer, V. (2022): Osteopathy: effectiveness and safety for musculoskeletal pain and overview of training and quality requirements. HTA-Projektbericht 144.
Jeindl, R. and Hofer, V. (2022): Child and adolescent mental health care models. HTA-Projektbericht 149.
Hofer, V. and Goetz, G. (2023): Allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells for Crohn's Disease-associated complex perianal fistulas. 1st Update 2023. Decision Support Document 111/ Update 2023.
Scott, A. and Hofer, V. and Al Froukh, R.F. and Ma, N. (2023): Electrical auricular vagus nerve stimulation for pain. Decision Support Document 138.