- NLM Classification (5)
- QU Biochemistry (1)
- QU 300-375 Cells (20)
- QU Biochemistry (1)
Eder, C. and Wild, C. (2019): Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs): Technology forecast. Journal of Market Access & Health Policy 7 (1).
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Grössmann-Waniek, N. and Wild, C. and Malíková, E. and Wolf, S. and Fabian, D. and Sehic, O. and Zechmeister-Koss, I. (2025): Exagamglogene autotemcel (Exa-cel, Casgevy®) for the treatment of beta-thalassaemia and severe sickle cell disease. AIHTA Appraisal Board Assessment Nr.: 001.
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Jeindl, R. and Mayer-Ferbas, J. (2024): CAR-based immunotherapy with a focus on CAR-NK cells. Rapid Review Nr.: 013.
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Panhuber, A. and Titieni-Schuhmann, A. and Goetz, G. and Wild, C. (2022): CAR-T cell therapy: Contrasting the evidence from pivotal trials with the real world evidence (RWE). HTA-Projektbericht 146.
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Riegelnegg, M. and Jeindl, R. (2023): Autologous fat grafting in osteoarthritis. Rapid Review Nr.: 007.
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Sehic, O. and Wild, C. (2022): ATMPs and Gene Therapies in Development. Horizon Scanning – Update 2022. AIHTA Policy Brief 006b/ 1. Update.
Sehic, O. and Wild, C. (2022): CAR-T Cell-Therapies in Development, Update 2022. AIHTA Policy Brief 006a/ 1. Update.
Wild, C. and Wohlhöfner, K. and Sehic, O. and Grössmann, N. (2020): CAR-T Cell Therapies, ATMP and Gene Therapies in Development, Horizon Scanning: ATMPs and Gene Therapies. AIHTA Policy Brief 006b.
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