- NLM Classification (37)
- QZ Pathology (32)
- QZ 50 Medical genetics (32)
- QZ Pathology (32)
Erdos, J. and Sehic, O. and Wild, C. (2021): ≥ 12 Month Follow-Up of Patients with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) treated with Spinraza®, Zolgensma® or Combination Therapies. AIHTA Policy Brief 001/ 1. Update.
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Giess, D. and Erdos, J. and Wild, C. (2023): SMA-Therapies: Mid- to longer-term follow-up of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) patients treated for ≥24 months with nusinersen or onasemnogene abeparvovec as monotherapies or in combination, and patients treated for ≥12 months with risdiplam as monotherapy or in combination. AIHTA Policy Brief 001/ 2. Update.
Glanz, K.A. (2021): Nivolumab in malignant melanoma: contrasting the evidence from pivotal trials with Real World Evidence (RWE). HTA-Projektbericht 140.
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Panhuber, A. and Titieni-Schuhmann, A. and Goetz, G. and Wild, C. (2022): CAR-T cell therapy: Contrasting the evidence from pivotal trials with the real world evidence (RWE). HTA-Projektbericht 146.
Radlberger, P. (2006): [Predictive genetic diagnostics: Testing for breast cancer]. HTA-Newsletter 52: p. 2.
Rothschedl, E. and Grössmann, N. (2024): Entrectinib (Rozlytrek®) as monotherapy for the treatment of solid tumours with a NTRK gene fusion. Fact Sheet Nr. 175.
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Walter, M. and Strohmaier, C. (2020): Genetic Testing in the Context of Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Management. HTA-Projektbericht 130.
Wild, C. and Wohlhöfner, K. and Sehic, O. and Grössmann, N. (2020): CAR-T Cell Therapies, ATMP and Gene Therapies in Development, Horizon Scanning: ATMPs and Gene Therapies. AIHTA Policy Brief 006b.
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Wohlhöfner, K. (2021): (Good) practice organisational models using real-world evidence for public funding of high prized therapies. HTA-Projektbericht 138.
Zorginstituut Nederland (ZIN), EUnetHTA and Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE), EUnetHTA (2018): MammaPrint® Added value of using the gene expression signature test MammaPrint® for adjuvant chemotherapy decision-making in early breast cancer. EUnetHTA report . HTA-Projektbericht 102.