- NLM Classification (3)
- WA Public health (3)
- WA 108-245 Preventive medicine (81)
- WA Public health (3)
Buzath, K. and Zechmeister-Koss, I. (2023): Economic Dimensions of Community Nursing: A Systematic Literature Review. HTA-Projektbericht 153.
Böhler, C.E.H. and Wolf, S. (2020): Lung Cancer Screening in Risk Groups: A Review-Update of the Economic Evidence (Part II). HTA-Projektbericht 132b.
Felder-Puig, R. (2007): [Whole-body-CT screening. More harm than benefit?]. HTA-Newsletter 60: p. 2.
Fischer, S. and Novelli, A. (2016): Re-orientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive care programme. Part XII: Economic evaluation of selected screenings during pregnancy. HTA-Projektbericht 91.
Frühwirth, I. and Wolf, S. (2022): Risk-based breast cancer screening in Austria: a systematic analysis of predictive models to assess individual breast cancer risk, their utility and applicability in a breast cancer screening programme. HTA-Projektbericht 145.
Fuchs, E. and Wolf, S. and Scrozynski, G. (2019): Cervical Carcinoma Prevention - Implementation of an HPV screening test for early detection of cervical cancer in Austria . HTA-Projektbericht 121.
Gassner, L. and Reinsperger, I. (2021): National strategies and programmes for preventing and managing non-communicable diseases in selected countries. HTA-Projektbericht 139.
Goetz, G. (2021): Stool DNA testing for colorectal cancer (CRC) screening. AIHTA Policy Brief 011.
Groth, S. (2007): [HPV immunisation and cervical cancer prevention. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 54: p. 1.
Grössmann-Waniek, N. and Strohmaier, C. and Riegelnegg, M. (2024): Oncological Breast Cancer Care in Selected European Countries – Cross-sectoral cancer care models. HTA-Projektbericht 162.
Huic, M. and Reinsperger, I. (2023): Oral and parenteral preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV in people at risk: a systematic review of clinical effectiveness and safety with assessment of organisational, economic, patients/social, ethical and legal elements. HTA-Projektbericht 152.
Jeindl, R. and Hofer, V. (2022): Child and adolescent mental health care models. HTA-Projektbericht 149.
Jonas, S. and Rafetseder, O. and Wild, C. (2003): [Colorectal cancer screening in Austria: Integrating coloscopy/sigmoidoscopy into the preventive medical check up. An unsystematic review]. ITA-Projektbericht 25.
Jonas, S. and Rafetseder, O. and Wild, C. (2005): [Colorectal cancer screening in Austria: Integrating coloscopy into the preventive medical check up]. Journal für Gastroenterologische und hepatologische Erkrankungen 03: pp. 11-15.
Kern, J. and Reinsperger, I. and Hofer, V. (2024): Mental health screening of adults in primary care. HTA-Projektbericht 159.
Kisser, A. and Kirisits, A. (2015): Endovascular embolization of unruptured intracranial aneurysms with flow diverters. Decision Support Document 83.
Kisser, A. and Zechmeister-Koss, I. (2013): P16/Ki-67 Dual Stain in the triage of PAPIII/IIID cytology in cervical cancer screening . HTA-Projektbericht 72.
Mad, P. (2007): [Screening for Glaucoma]. HTA-Newsletter 55: pp. 2-3.
Mayer-Ferbas, J. and Jeindl, R. (2024): Skin cancer prevention: Guideline recommendations for primary and secondary prevention. Rapid Review Nr.: 014.
Nagele, M. (2006): [Computed tomographic colonography (CTC) for colon cancer screening]. HTA-Newsletter 51: p. 4.
Patera, N. (2013): Screening for Colorectal Cancer. Part 3: Status of screening-activities and quality assurance of screening-colonoscopy. HTA-Projektbericht 41c.
Patera, N. (2010): Screening for Colorectal Cancer. Part 1: Screening-Tests and Project Design. (2nd revised edition). HTA-Projektbericht 41a.
Patera, N. and Schumacher, I. (2012): Screening for Colorectal Cancer. Part 1: Screening Tests and Program Design (3. updated edition). HTA-Projektbericht 41a.
Patera, N. and Schumacher, I. (2012): Screening for Colorectal Cancer. Part 2: Health economic evaluations and cost dynamics (2. updated edition). HTA-Projektbericht 41b.
Patera, N. and Wild, C. (2009): Status quo mammography screening: evaluation results from organised programs. HTA-Projektbericht 035.
Piso, B. and Wild, C. (2008): Rational Vaccination Policies - decision support. Review of International Literature for "Rational" Vaccination Policies. Rapid Assessment LBI-HTA 03.
Piso, B. and Reinsperger, I. (2015): Vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV). Decision-aid for young women and girls. Decision Support Document 79.
Piso, B. and Wild, C. and Winkler, R. and Warmuth, M. (2011): Reorientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive care programme. Part IV: Synthesis of parts I-III, recommendations. HTA-Projektbericht 045d.
Radlberger, P. (2007): [Participation in screening programmes]. HTA-Newsletter 55: p. 4.
Radlberger, P. and Wild, C. and Guba, B. (2007): [Mammography screening. Evidence-based evaluation of mammography-based breast cancer screening programmes]. HTA-Projektbericht 07.
Radlberger, P. and Zechmeister, I. (2010): Screening for Colorectal Cancer. Part 2: Health economic evaluations and developments of costs. HTA-Projektbericht 41b.
Reinsperger, I. (2021): Parent-Child-Pass Update 2020/21 – Screenings for mental health, nutrition and social competence. AIHTA Policy Brief 005.
Reinsperger, I. and Paul, J. (2022): Perinatal and infant mental health care models and pathways. HTA-Projektbericht 148.
Reinsperger, I. and Goetz, G. and Winkler, R. (2018): Screening and prevention programmes for children and adolescents from 6 to 14 years. Results from selected countries and recommendations from evidence-based guidelines. HTA-Projektbericht 106.
Reinsperger, I. and Piso, B. (2014): Re-orientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive care programme, part X: further development of the mother-child-pass.. Decision Support Document 78.
Reinsperger, I. and Rosian, K. and Winkler, R. and Piso, B. (2018): Re-orientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive care programme. Part XI: Further development of the mother-child-pass: Screening recommendations of the expert working group for pregnancy, puerperium and early childhood (0-6 years). HTA-Projektbericht 92.
Reinsperger, I. and Winkler, R. and Piso, B. (2013): Re-orientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive care programme. Part IX: Recommendations from evidence-based guidelines for screening measures during pregnancy and early childhood (0-6 yrs.) . HTA-Projektbericht 62.
Schiller-Frühwirth, I. and Johansson, T. and Göbl, M. and Reiselhuber, S. and Wild, C. (2009): Folic acid fortification of flour in Austria - Risks and benefits. HTA-Projektbericht 020.
Schumacher, I. and Piso, B. (2012): Reorientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive care programme. Part V: Measures to reduce preterm birth. HTA-Projektbericht 50.
Semlitsch, T. and Jeitler, K. and Zipp, C. and Krenn, C. and Horvath, K. and Zens, Y. and Hausner, E. and Sauerland, S. and Störchel, M. and Sturtz, S. and Varela Lema, L. and Paz Valiñas, L. and Puñal Riobóo, J. and Cantero Muñoz, P. and Faraldo Vallés, M.J. (2020): Lung cancer screening in risk groups. HTA-Projektbericht 132a.
Semlitsch, T. and Horvath, K. (2019): Screening for Diabetes mellitus: guideline recommendations. HTA-Projektbericht 118.
Strohmaier, C. and Hölzle, L. (2021): The economic and societal dimension of parental mental illness. HTA-Projektbericht 142.
Walter, M. and Strohmaier, C. (2020): Genetic Testing in the Context of Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Management. HTA-Projektbericht 130.
Warmuth, M. and Mad, P. and Piso, B. and Schumacher, I. and Wild, C. (2011): Reorientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive care programme. Part I: Epidemiology - Frequency of risk factors and disease during pregnancy and early childhood. HTA-Projektbericht 045a.
Wild, C and Wolf, S and Goetz, G and Walter, M and McEntee, J and Stanak, M and Ettinger, S and Strohmaier, C and Erdos, J and Huić, M (2020): Covid-19: HSS/ Horizon Scanning Living Document. AIHTA Policy Brief 002.
Wild, C. (2006): [Cervical smear tests]. HTA-Newsletter 45: pp. 3-4.
Wild, C. (2005): [Depression: Screening]. HTA-Newsletter 36: pp. 2-3.
Wild, C. (2005): [Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)]. HTA-Newsletter 36: p. 2.
Wild, C. (2004): [Whole-body computed tomography as a screening test]. HTA-Newsletter 29: pp. 2-3.
Wild, C. (2004): [New technologies in cervical cancer screening]. HTA-Newsletter 29: p. 4.
Wild, C. (2004): [The myth of cancer prevention: Heresy or guidance to maturity. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 27: p. 1.
Wild, C. (2004): [Screening for colorectal cancer in Austria]. HTA-Newsletter 25: pp. 2-3.
Wild, C. (2004): [Mammography screening in Austria. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 24: pp. 1-2.
Wild, C. (2003): [Liquid-based cytology in cervical screening]. HTA-Newsletter 19: p. 2.
Wild, C. (2003): [Patient information in screening programmes. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 18: pp. 1-2.
Wild, C. (2003): [Newborn hearing screening]. HTA-Newsletter 14: pp. 2-3.
Wild, C. (2002): [Ultrasound screening for hip dysplasia in newborns]. HTA-Newsletter 12: pp. 2-3.
Wild, C. (2002): [Tandem mass spectometry (TMS) and neonatal screening]. HTA-Newsletter 10: pp. 3-4.
Wild, C. (2002): [Youth suicide prevention]. HTA-Newsletter 09: p. 4.
Wild, C. (2002): [Vaccines for preventing influenza]. HTA-Newsletter 07: pp. 3-4.
Wild, C. (2002): [Screening for colorectal cancer]. HTA-Newsletter 04: p. 4.
Wild, C. (2004): [The myth of cancer prevention: Heresy or guidance to maturity]. ÖKZ: Österreichische Krankenhauszeitung 45 (4): pp. 10-11.
Wild, C. (2001): Screening in Austria - the cases of mammography, PSA-testing and routine use of ultrasonography in pregnancy. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 17 (03): pp. 305-315.
Wild, C. and Jonas, S. and Rafetseder, O. (2004): [Colon cancer screening]. Mitteilungen der Sanitätsverwaltung 11: pp. 14-15.
Winkler, R. and Goetz, G. and Schink, J. and Reinsperger, I. (2019): Screening programs for children and adolescents from 6 to 18 years. Results on selected countries, Austrian screening programmes and recommendations from evidence-based guidelines. HTA-Projektbericht 123.
Winkler, R. (2011): Reorientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive care programme. Part II: International policies, concepts and screening strategies focusing on “normal” and “high-risk” development processes during pregnancy and early childhood until school entry. HTA-Projektbericht 045b.
Winkler, R. and Reinsperger, I. and Piso, B. (2015): Effects of tangible and intangible incentives on health behavior, Part I: Definitions, theories and models – Part II: Overview of reviews covering 4 health issues. HTA-Projektbericht 83.
Wolf, S. and Reinsperger, I. (2023): Strategies for recruitment and programme adherence in group programmes for children, adolescents and adults with overweight and grade 1 obesity. HTA-Projektbericht 155.
Zechmeister, I. (2008): [Vaccination against HPV in Austria]. HTA-Newsletter 64: p. 2.
Zechmeister, I. (2006): [HPV immunisation: Different strategies]. HTA-Newsletter 50: pp. 3-4.
Zechmeister, I. and Freiesleben de Blasio, B. and Radlberger, P. and Wild, C. and Kvas, E. and Garnett, G. and Neilson, A. R. (2007): [Economic evaluation of HPV vaccination in Austria]. HTA-Projektbericht 09.
Zechmeister, I. and Stollenwerk, B. and Ara, R. and Ward, S. (2008): Statins for the Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases: An Analysis of Expected Population Health Gains and Cost-Utility in Austria (Part II of the project 'Statins: A comparison between predicted and actual effects on population health in Austria') . HTA-Projektbericht 018.
Zechmeister, I. and Stollenwerk, B. and Langley, T. (2008): Have Statins Met Our Expectations? A Comparison of Expected Health Gains from Statins with Epidemiological Trends in Austria (Part III of the Project 'Statins: A Comparison Between Predicted and Actual Effects on Population Health in Austria'). HTA-Projektbericht 019.
Zechmeister, I. (2008): [Economic evaluation of the vaccination against human papillomavirus in Austria]. Is prevention always better than cure?. Krems, 20.-21.02.2008.
Zechmeister, I. (2008): [HPV-vaccination in Austria. A prediction on long-term effects and costs]. Biomed Austria (Frühling 2008): pp. 8-9.
Zechmeister, I. (2007): [Is it worth investing in mental health promotion and prevention of mental disorders? Evidence from economic evaluations]. In: Meggeneder, O. Tagungsband zur Wissenschaftlichen Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Public Health: Linz: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Public Health. (In Press)
Zechmeister, I. (2006): [Is it worth investing in mental health promotion and prevention of mental illness? A review of the evidence on economic evaluations]. 9th conference of the Austrian Public Health Association. Linz, 28.-29.09.2006.
Zechmeister, I. and Kilian, R. and Mc Daid, D. (2008): Is it worth investing in mental health promotion and prevention of mental illness? A systematic review of the evidence from economic evaluations. BMC Public Health 08 (20).
Zechmeister, I. and Loibl, T. (2011): Reorientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive care programme. Part III: Financing structures of services and public transfers for parents and young children. HTA-Projektbericht 045c.
Zechmeister-Koss, I. (2013): Zostavax® for the prevention of herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralagia. Pilot assessment using the draft HTA Core Model for Rapid Relative Effectiveness Assessment. Pilot-ID: WP-SA-1. Decision Support Document 73.
Zechmeister-Koss, I. and Fischer, S. and Erdos, J. (2012): Re-orientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive care programme. Part VIII: Review of economic evaluations and budget impact analysis of outreach services and measures to reduce premature birth. HTA-Projektbericht 55.