- NLM Classification (25)
- WB Practice of medicine (13)
- WB 400-449 Diet and nutrition (5)
- WB Practice of medicine (13)
Schiller-Frühwirth, I. and Johansson, T. and Göbl, M. and Reiselhuber, S. and Wild, C. (2009): Folic acid fortification of flour in Austria - Risks and benefits. HTA-Projektbericht 020.
Schumacher, I. (2009): Artificial food colours and Hyperactivity. HTA-Projektbericht 034.
Winkler, R. and Reinsperger, I. and Piso, B. (2015): Effects of tangible and intangible incentives on health behavior, Part I: Definitions, theories and models – Part II: Overview of reviews covering 4 health issues. HTA-Projektbericht 83.
Wolf, S. and Kern, J. (2024): Strategies for reducing weight stigmatisation towards people with overweight or obesity in the healthcare system. HTA-Projektbericht 160.
Wolf, S. and Reinsperger, I. (2023): Strategies for recruitment and programme adherence in group programmes for children, adolescents and adults with overweight and grade 1 obesity. HTA-Projektbericht 155.