- NLM Classification (6)
- WD Disorders of systemic, metabolic or environmental origin (23)
- WD 300-375 Immunologic and collagen diseases (6)
- WD Disorders of systemic, metabolic or environmental origin (23)
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Hawlik, K. and Wild, C. (2017): Extracorporeal cytokine haemadsorption in patients with sepsis or SIRS. Decision Support Document 106.
Hintringer, K. and Wild, C. (2009): Bioresonance for allergiges, atopic dermatitis, non-organic gastrointestinal complaints, pain and rheumatic diseases. Decision Support Document 31.
Korencan, A. (2007): [Diagnosis of cytomegalovirus disease in immunocompromised patients]. HTA-Newsletter 53: p. 4.
Wild, C. (2005): [Provocation-neutralisation therapy for food allergy]. HTA-Newsletter 34: p. 4.
Wild, C. (2003): [High-dose lymphoablative therapy (HDLT) for severe autoimmune diseases]. HTA-Newsletter 21: pp. 2-3.