AIHTA - Publications - Search - Items where Subject is "Y Other"
Number of items at this level: 122.

(2008): Annual report 2007. English version.

(2008): [Annual report 2007. German version].

(2006): Annual report 2006. English version.

(2006): [Annual report 2006. German version].

AIHTA, HTA Austria (2024): Annual Report 2023.

AIHTA, HTA Austria (2023): Annual Report 2022.

AIHTA, HTA Austria (2022): Annual Report 2021.

AIHTA, HTA Austria (2021): Annual Report 2020.

Banta, H.D. and Oortwijn, W.J. and Wild, C. (1998): Health technology assessment in Europe: The challenge of coordination. TNO Research Report PG/VGZ/98.015.

Blagojevic, S. and Winkler, R. and Wild, C. and Hinterreiter, G. (2010): Annual Report 2009. English version.

Blagojevic, S. and Hinterreiter, G. and Wild, C. (2011): Annual Report 2010. English version.

Blagojevic, S. and Wild, C. (2012): Annual Report 2011. English Version.

Braun, E. and Hawle, M. and Wild, C. (1990): [Social implications of the increasing spread of technology in medicine]. ITA-Projektberichte.

Fried, A. (2007): [The pharmaceutical industry puts pressure on publishers]. HTA-Newsletter 53: p. 1.

Geiger-Gritsch, S. (2008): Horizon Scanning in Oncology - Concept Development. HTA-Newsletter 69: p. 3.

Geiger-Gritsch, S. (2008): Horizon Scanning in Oncology - Concept Development for the Preparation of a Horizon Scanning System in Austria . Projektbericht 14.

Gerhardus, A. (2002): [Impact of health technology assessments on policy. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 06: pp. 1-2.

Hinterreiter, G. (2008): Medical self-test kits - Expectations & actual benefit. HTA-Newsletter 72:3.

Hinterreiter, G. and Wild, C. (2009): Annual report 2008. English version.

Hinterreiter, G. and Wild, C. (2009): [Annual report 2008. German version] .

Hinterreiter, G. and Wild, C. (2011): Annual Report 2010. German Version.

Hinterreiter, G. and Wild, C. and Blagojevic, S. (2010): Annual Report 2009. German version.

Klepp, B. (2006): [Drug advertising: Law versus reality. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 50: p. 1.

Langer, T. (2007): [Environmental safety of drugs]. HTA-Newsletter 57: p. 1.

Perleth, M. (2004): [HTA and the evaluation of innovations. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 29: p. 1.

Schumacher, I. and Zechmeister, I. (2011): Impact from HTA-research for the Austrian health care system. Part 2: Results of the empirical survey. HTA-Projektbericht 37b.

Wild, C. (2006): [Austrian HTA institute founded]. ITA-Newsletter June 2006: pp. 9-10.

Wild, C. (2006): [Austrian HTA institute founded. The Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of HTA starts working. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 47: p. 1.

Wild, C. (2006): [EUnetHTA 2006-2008. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 44: p. 1.

Wild, C. (2005): [Medical progress. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 40: pp. 1-2.

Wild, C. (2005): [Obituary: Dr. Susanna Jonas. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 38: p. 1.

Wild, C. (2005): [Foundation of an Austrian HTA institute]. ITA-Newsletter March 2005: p. 2.

Wild, C. (2005): [Impact of HTA]. HTA-Newsletter 33: p. 4.

Wild, C. (2005): [Foundation of an Austrian HTA institute. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 33: pp. 1-2.

Wild, C. (2004): [HTAi annual meeting in Krakow]. ITA-Newsletter September 2004: pp. 11-13.

Wild, C. (2004): [Transparency in the pharmaceutical industry. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 25: pp. 1-2.

Wild, C. (2003): [HTA and the commercialisation of new technologies] . ITA-Newsletter December 2003: pp. 10-11.

Wild, C. (2003): [Guidance for manufacturers and medical associations on submission of evidence]. ITA-Newsletter December 2003: p. 9.

Wild, C. (2003): [HTA interactive link collection. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 22: p. 1.

Wild, C. (2003): [Tools for decision-making. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 21: p. 1.

Wild, C. (2003): [Decision making: A systematic checklist]. ITA-Newsletter September 2003: p. 11.

Wild, C. (2003): [HTA in hospitals]. ITA-Newsletter September 2003: pp. 9-10.

Wild, C. (2003): [HTA and the commercialisation of new technologies. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 20: p. 1.

Wild, C. (2003): [Foundation of the Austrian network "HTA in hospitals". Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 15: p. 1.

Wild, C. (2003): [Medical one-way devices]. HTA-Newsletter 15: p. 3.

Wild, C. (2002): [ISTAHC 2002: Trends and tendencies]. ITA-Newsletter September 2002: p. 10.

Wild, C. (2002): [ISTAHC 2002: Trends and tendencies. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 09: p. 1.

Wild, C. (2002): [Guidelines for manufacturers and medical associations on submission of evidence. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 08: p. 1.

Wild, C. (2002): [Critical journalism: Evidence-based reporting of innovations]. ITA-Newsletter March 2002: p. 8.

Wild, C. (2002): [Is critical journalism contradictory to the reporting of innovations? Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 04: p. 1.

Wild, C. (2001): [HTA link list]. HTA-Newsletter 03: p. 4.

Wild, C. (2001): [HTA newsletter]. ITA-Newsletter December 2001: p. 11.

Wild, C. (2001): [European Collaboration in HTA]. HTA-Newsletter 01: p. 4.

Wild, C. (2001): [Health Technology Assessment and decision making. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 00: pp. 1-2.

Wild, C. (2001): [European HTA project comes to an end in September]. ITA-Newsletter September 2001: pp. 10-11.

Wild, C. (2001): [IOM report "To Err is Human"]. ITA-Newsletter March 2001: pp. 8-9.

Wild, C. (2001): [International symposium on health technology assessment]. ITA-Newsletter March 2001: p. 9.

Wild, C. (2000): [ISTHAC 2002 in Berlin]. ITA-Newsletter September 2000: p. 8.

Wild, C. (2000): [HTA and decision making]. ITA-Newsletter April 2000: p. 6.

Wild, C. (1998): [HTA as steering tool]. ITA-Newsletter October 1998: pp. 20-21.

Wild, C. (1998): [European collaboration in health technology assessment (ECHTA)]. ITA-Newsletter October 1998: pp. 20-21.

Wild, C. and Antes, G. (2004): [Registration of all clinical trials]. ITA-Newsletter December 2004: p. 13.

Wild, C. and Antes, G. (2004): [Registration of all clinical trials. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 30: pp. 1-2.

Wild, C. and Jonas, S. (2000): [HTA-workshop of European social insurance agencies]. ITA-Newsletter December 2000: p. 8.

Wild, C. and Langer, T. (2006): Horizon Scanning System (HSS). An Overview. HTA-Projektbericht 02.

Wild, C. (2007): [Health technology assessment in Austria]. UMIT-PH course. Hall/Tyrol, 17.04.2007.

Wild, C. (2007): [Health technology assessment]. European Forum Alpbach. Vienna, 28.03.2007.

Wild, C. (2007): [Health technology assessment in Austria]. In: Perleth, M. and Busse, R. and Gerhardus, A. and Gibis, B. Health Technology Assessment. Konzepte, Methoden, Praxis für Wissenschaft und Entscheidungsfindung: Berliner Schriftenreihe Gesundheitswissenschaften. Berlin: MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft OHG, pp. 37-40. ISBN 978-3-939069-22-5.

Wild, C. (2007): [Horizon scanning]. ÖKZ: Österreichische Krankenhauszeitung 48 (04): p. 16.

Wild, C. (2007): [Funding programme of the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF)]. ÖKZ: Österreichische Krankenhauszeitung 48 (01): p. 16.

Wild, C. (2006): [Foundation of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Health Technology Assessment]. Technikfolgen-Abschätzung – Theorie & Praxis 03 (15): pp. 77-79.

Wild, C. (2006): [Critical scientific methods for evaluating the effects of medical interventions]. Der Anaesthesist 55 (05): pp. 568-577.

Wild, C. (2006): [EUnetHTA - 2006-2008]. ITA-Newsletter March 2006: p. 7.

Wild, C. (2006): [EUnetHTA: A network of HTA agencies in Europe]. ÖKZ: Österreichische Krankenhauszeitung 47 (11): p. 17.

Wild, C. (2006): [Foundation of a HTA institute in Austria]. ÖKZ: Österreichische Krankenhauszeitung 47 (6): p. 16.

Wild, C. (2006): [Financing health care: The impact of health technology assessment]. In: Amler, M. and Bencic, W. Ökonomie und Gesundheit. Lösbare Herausforderungen oder dauernder Widerspruch?: Gesundheitswissenschaften (30). Linz: OÖ Gebietskrankenkasse, pp. 49-53. ISBN 3-900581-47-9.

Wild, C. (2005): Health technology assessment (HTA). Graduate course in public health and hospital management. Wels, 14. Oktober 2005.

Wild, C. (2005): [Medical technology assessment]. Austrian conference of hospital technicians. Pörtschach, 28.09.2005.

Wild, C. (2005): HTA in hospitals: A network of Austrian hospitals. HTAi Annual Conference. Rome, 20.-22.05.2005.

Wild, C. (2005): [Health technology assessment: An introduction]. Newsletter des NÖ-Patientenanwalts April 2005.

Wild, C. (2005): [Health technology assessment]. ÖKZ: Österreichische Krankenhauszeitung 46 (10): p. 50.

Wild, C. (2005): [Priority setting for the assessment of medical interventions]. Mitteilungen der Sanitätsverwaltung 5: pp. 9-11.

Wild, C. (2005): [The Medical Association´s policy and evidence-based medicine]. Qualitas 12 (04): p. 11.

Wild, C. (2004): [HTAi annual meeting in Krakow]. ZaeFQ: Zeitschrift für ärztliche Fortbildung und Qualitätssicherung 98: p. 556.

Wild, C. (2004): [HTAi annual meeting in Krakow]. ÖKZ: Österreichische Krankenhauszeitung 45 (7/8): pp. 34-35.

Wild, C. (2003): [HTA and its impact in Austria]. In: Meggeneder, O. Unter-, Über- und Fehlversorgung. Vermeidung und Management von Fehlern im Gesundheitswesen: Frankfurt/Main: Mabuse-Verlag, pp. 131-146. ISBN 3-935964-31-5.

Wild, C. (2003): [Erythropoietin: The impact of HTA]. ÖKZ: Österreichische Krankenhauszeitung 44 (12): pp. 9-10.

Wild, C. (2003): [Erythropoietin: The impact of HTA] . Mitteilungen der Sanitätsverwaltung 104 (9): p. 23.

Wild, C. (2002): [Is critical journalism contradictory to the reporting of innovations?]. ZaeFQ: Zeitschrift für ärztliche Fortbildung und Qualitätssicherung (96): p. 336.

Wild, C. (2002): Situation of HTA in the German speaking countries - Health technology in Austria. In: The Challenge of Collaboration. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Technology Assessment in Health Care: München-Jena: Urban & Fischer.

Wild, C. (2001): [Building a safer health system]. ORF ON Science.

Wild, C. (2001): [Swedish EU presidency puts emphasis on health policy]. ORF ON Science.

Wild, C. (2000): [HTA and decision making]. TA-Datenbank-Nachrichten 09 (04): pp. 152-153.

Wild, C. (2000): Country report: Health technology assessment in Austria. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 16 (02): pp. 303-324.

Wild, C. (2000): [Health technology assessment: A steering tool]. Mitteilung der Sanitätsverwaltung (01): pp. 6-8.

Wild, C. (2000): Health technology assessment. In: Fischer, R. and Tragl, H. Ökonomie und Gesundheit. Lösbare Herausforderungen oder dauernder Widerspruch?: Wien: Österreichischer Ärzte Verlag, pp. 249-264.

Wild, C. (1999): [Organised neighbourly help in Styria]. In: Schöpfer, G. Seniorenreport Steiermark. Altwerden in der Steiermark: Lust oder Last: Graz: Universität Graz Inst. f. Wirtsch.- u. Sozialgesch., pp. 55-58. ISBN 978-3901674068.

Wild, C. (1998): [Neighbourly help]. Häusliche Pflege (12): pp. 33-41.

Wild, C. (1998): [What do Austrian experts think about health care?]. ManagMed (2): pp. 33-35.

Wild, C. (1997): [Forecasting in medicine: expert opinions]. Das Gesundheitswesen 59: pp. 467-472.

Wild, C. (1997): [Medical technology assessment (MTA)]. ÖKZ: Österreichische Krankenhauszeitung 38 (06).

Wild, C. (1997): [Patient organisations]. GID: Gen-ethischer Informationsdienst (6).

Wild, C. (1996): [Medical technology assessment: The social implications of the increasing spread of technology in health care]. In: Tichy, G. Technikfolgenabschätzung in Österreich: Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Wild, C. (1990): [The social implications of the increasing spread of technology in health care]. Journal für Sozialforschung 30 (03): pp. 294-317.

Wild, C. and Blagojevic, S. (2020): Jahresbericht 2019.

Wild, C. and Blagojevic, S. (2016): Annual Report 2015.

Wild, C. and Blagojevic, S. (2015): Annual Report 2014.

Wild, C. and Blagojevic, S. (2014): Annual Report 2013.

Wild, C. and Blagojevic, S. (2013): Annual Report 2012.

Wild, C. and Blagojevic, S. (2012): Annual Report 2011. German Version.

Wild, C. and Blagojevic, S. and Petersen, P. (2018): Annual Report 2017.

Wild, C. and Blagojevic, S. and Petersen, P. (2017): Annual Report 2016.

Wild, C. and Blagojevic, S. and Sehic, O. (2019): Jahresbericht 2018.

Wild, C. and Gibis, B. (2002): Evaluations of health interventions in social insurance-based countries: Germany, the Netherlands, and Austria. Health Policy 63 (02): pp. 187-196.

Wild, C. and Küllinger, R. and Hintringer, K. (2015): The sponsoring of Austrian CME/continuing medical education for physicians. A systematic analysis of the CME-Database. Rapid Assessment 007a.

Wild, C. and Langer, T. (2008): EU-wide newsletter on emerging technologies: Informing and supporting health policy early . Health Policy 2008. (In Press)

Wild, C. and Peissl, W. (1996): [Patient cards: An assessment of a new information technology in health care]. In: Tichy, G. Technikfolgenabschätzung in Österreich – Entscheidungshilfe in einer komplexen Welt, Beispiele aus der Praxis: Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Wild, C. and Peissl, W. (1992): Patient cards: An assessment of a new information technology in health care. Project Appraisal 7 (2): pp. 67-78.

Wild, C. and Perleth, M. (2001): Possibilities for partial integration of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and Technology Assessment (TA). TA-Datenbank-Nachrichten 10 (01): pp. 55-58.

Wild, C. and Perleth, M. (2001): [Health technology assessment: An introduction]. TA-Datenbank-Nachrichten 10 (01): pp. 6-12.

Wild, C. and Torgersen, H. (2000): Forecasting in medicine: The results of three European Delphi Studies. European Journal of Public Health 10 (02): pp. 114-119.

Zakosteletzki, L. and Nachtnebel, A. (2012): Horizon Scanning in Oncology - Impact evaluation and environmental analysis. HTA- Projektbericht 61.

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