Abraha, I. and Chiarolla, E. and Corio, M. and Gillespie, F. and Migliore, A. and Cerbo, M. and Lauvrak, V. and Fagerlund, B.C. and Harboe, I. and Stoinska-Schneider, A. and Wild, C. (2019): Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) in patients at intermediate surgical risk. HTA-Projektbericht 115.
Abuzahra, M. and Piso, B. (2010): Kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty for the treatment of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures- observational study. HTA-Projektbericht 25.
Abuzahra, M. and Piso, B. (2010): Classification of disease severity for neuro- and trauma rehabilitation Part 3: Status quo in Austria. HTA-Projektbericht 23c.
Abuzahra, M. and Piso, B. (2009): Classification of disease severity for neuro- and trauma rehabilitation Part 2: International experiences with quality / performance assessments and reimbursement . HTA-Projektbericht 023b.
Banta, H.D. and Oortwijn, W.J. and Wild, C. (1998): Health technology assessment in Europe: The challenge of coordination. TNO Research Report PG/VGZ/98.015.
Braun, E. and Hawle, M. and Wild, C. (1990): [Social implications of the increasing spread of technology in medicine]. ITA-Projektberichte.
Breuer, J. and Reinsperger, I. and Piso, B. (2014): Acupuncture - areas of application, current evidence and proven indications. HTA-Projektbericht 78.
Breuer, J. and Piso, B. (2013): Occupational therapy in children and adolescents. Literature review on indications, utilisation and recommendations. HTA-Projektbericht 70.
Breyer, E. (2008): Reimbursement processes – An analysis of international practice models for maintaining the health benefit baskets of solidly financed health care systems. HTA-Projektbericht 022.
Busse, R. and Orvain, J. and Drummond, M. and Wild, C. (2001): Best practice in undertaking and reporting HTA. Working Group 4 Final Report. Projektbericht.
Emprechtinger, R. (2018): Echocardiography: Guideline recommendations and options to identify inappropriate use as well as usage rate in Austria. HTA-Projektbericht 98.
Emprechtinger, R. and Erdos, J. and Piso, B. (2016): Thrombectomy for ischaemic stroke: Patient characteristics, structural requirements and (differential) diagnostics. HTA-Projektbericht 87.
Emprechtinger, R. and Fischer, S. and Wild, C. (2016): Options to identify inappropriate use of MRI, Part 3. HTA-Projektbericht 80c.
Falkner, E. and Wild, C. (2008): Clinical application of Tissue Engineering: An overview of International and Austrian Areas of Research with a critical analysis of selected applications . LBI-HTA Projektbericht 013.
Felder-Puig, R. (2008): Back pain. Diagnosis and treatment according to evidence-based guidelines - options and limitations. HTA-Projektbericht 012.
Felder-Puig, R. and Mathis, S. (2008): Clavicular Fractures - A systematic review about efficacy and safety of different treatment options. HTA-Projektbericht 017.
Felder-Puig, R. and Turk, E. and Guba, B. and Wild, C. (2006): [Therapeutic conversation: The effectiveness of intensified physician-patient communication]. HTA-Projektbericht 01.
Felder-Puig, R. and Wild, C. (2004): Current research and funding in the EU25 countries in the area of asthma in children. Fast-track study initiated by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. ITA-Projektbericht 27.
Fischer, S. and Kisser, A. (2015): Robot-assisted surgery: A systematic review of effectiveness and safety for elected indications and accumulating costs. HTA-Projektbericht 84.
Fischer, S. and Novelli, A. (2016): Re-orientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive care programme. Part XII: Economic evaluation of selected screenings during pregnancy. HTA-Projektbericht 91.
Fischer, S. and Stanak, M. (2017): Social Return on Investment: Outcomes, Methods, and Economic Parameters. HTA-Projektbericht 96.
Fischer, S. and Tüchler, H. and Piso, B. (2016): Outpatient cardiac rehabilitation part VII: Economic Evaluation. HTA-Projektbericht 89.
Fischer, S. and Zechmeister-Koss, I (2012): Day Surgery. HTA- Projektbericht 64.
Fischer, S. and Zechmeister-Koss, I. (2014): Vasoprotectives: Efficacy and safety of capillary stabilising agents for venous insufficiency or haemorrhoidal diseases. HTA-Projektbericht 79.
Fischer, S. and Zechmeister-Koss, I. (2014): Costs of day surgery in Austria: An analysis of data and methods for varicose vein surgery as an example. HTA-Projektbericht 71.
Fleischner, B. (2009): Acquisition Processes of Certain Product Groups in Hospitals - Orthopaedic and Cardiac Implants. HTA Projektbericht 38.
Fried, A. and Wild, C. (2016): Involvement of Citizens and Patients in HTA-Processes – International Experiences and Good Practice Examples. HTA-Projektbericht 86.
Fuchs, E. (2019): Natalizumab for the Treatment of Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. HTA-Projektbericht 112.
Fuchs, E. and Wolf, S. and Scrozynski, G. (2019): Cervical Carcinoma Prevention - Implementation of an HPV screening test for early detection of cervical cancer in Austria . HTA-Projektbericht 121.
Fuchs, S. and Grössmann, N. and Eckhardt, H. and Busse, R. and Wild, C. (2018): PET/PET-CT Evidence for need based planning in Germany and Austria. HTA-Projektbericht 77/ Update 2018.
Galician Agency for Health Technology Assessment (avalia-t), EUnetHTA and Regione Emilia Romagna (RER), EUnetHTA (2018): Screening for fetal trisomies 21, 18 and 13 by non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT). EUnetHTA-Report. HTA-Projektbericht 103.
Gartlehner, G. (2009): [Internal manual. Part 2 (2nd Ed.)]. HTA-Projektbericht 06.
Geiger-Gritsch, S. (2008): Horizon Scanning in Oncology - Concept Development for the Preparation of a Horizon Scanning System in Austria . Projektbericht 14.
Gerdvilaite, J. and Nachtnebel, A. (2011): Disinvestment. Overview of disinvestment experiences and challenges in selected countries. HTA-Projektbericht 57.
Goetz, G. and Mitic, M. (2018): Carbon ion beam radiotherapy (CIRT) for cancer treatment: a systematic review of effectiveness and safety for 12 oncologic indications. HTA-Projektbericht 101.
Goetz, G. and Schmidt, L. and Erdos, J. and Ciutan, M. and Florescu, S. and Sasu, C. and Scintee, S. G. (2019): POCT/ Point of Care Tests: D-Dimer and Troponin. HTA-Projektbericht 124.
Gyimesi, M. and Piso, B. and Tüchler, H. (2010): Outpatient cardiac rehabilitation. Part 3a: Retrospective cohort study (with/without phase III rehabilitation) - explorative analysis and developing of an evaluation plan. HTA-Projektbericht 31a.
Harrington, P. and Lucey, D. and O’Brien, K. and Jordan, K. and Moran, P. and Marshall, L. and Wilbacher, I. and Gloeckner, L. (2019): C-reactive protein point-of-care testing (CRP POCT) to guide antibiotic prescribing in primary care settings for acute respiratory tract infections. EUnetHTA-Report . HTA-Projektbericht 116.
Hawlik, K. and Stanak, M. (2017): Perinatal care at the threshold of viability; Part I: Systematic Analysis of Outcomes and Resource Needs for Neonatal Intensive Care Units to inform Healthcare Planning. HTA-Projektbericht 97a.
Hörl, J. and Pärtan, G. and Wild, C. (1991): [Technology and Ageing: The maintenance of independency and self-determination of aged people]. ITA-Projektberichte.
Hintringer, K. (2012): Quality Appraisal of Written Consumer Health Information for Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) . HTA-Projektbericht 52.
Jensen, L.G. and Løvschall, C. and Ladehoff Thomsen, A.M. and Valentin, G. and Risør , B.W. and Gutierrez-Ibarluzea, I. and Galnares-Cordero, L. and Benguria-Arrate, G. (2019): Custom-made or customisable 3D printed implants and cutting guides versus non- 3D printed standard implants and cutting guides for improving outcome in patients undergoing knee, maxillofacial, or cranial surgery. HTA-Projektbericht 117.
Johansson, T. and Wild, C. (2009): Telemedicine in Stroke Management. Systematic Review. HTA-Projektbericht 029.
Jonas, S. and Jessner, W. and Rafetseder, O. and Wild, C. (2004): [Chronic hepatitis C: Implications for therapy and economic resources in Austria]. ITA-Projektbericht 26.
Jonas, S. and Rafetseder, O. and Wild, C. (2003): [Colorectal cancer screening in Austria: Integrating coloscopy/sigmoidoscopy into the preventive medical check up. An unsystematic review]. ITA-Projektbericht 25.
Jonas, S. and Schamberger, C. and Wild, C. (2002): [Predictive genetic diagnosis for breast and colon carcinoma: Diagnosis, treatment, public health aspects]. ITA-Projektbericht 21.
Jonas, S. and Wild, C. and Schmetterer, L. and Sycha, T. and Frank, W. (2001): [Immunoglobulins in transplant medicine: Prevention and therapy of cytomegalovirus infections. Systematic review and meta-analysis]. ITA-Projektbericht 19.
Kisser, A. and Mayer, J. and Wild, C. (2014): Opportunities and strategies to drive appropriate use of MRI in Austria. HTA-Projektbericht 80.
Kisser, A. and Naimer, Ch. (2015): Opportunities and strategies to drive appropriate use of MRI in Austria. Part 2. HTA-Projektbericht 80b.
Kisser, A. and Zechmeister-Koss, I. (2013): P16/Ki-67 Dual Stain in the triage of PAPIII/IIID cytology in cervical cancer screening . HTA-Projektbericht 72.
Korencan, A. and Guba, B. and Wild, C. (2007): Testing for HER2 positive breast cancer. Challenge for improvement of current conditions and practice. HTA-Projektbericht 08.
Krüger, L.J. and Wild, C. (2013): Evidence requirements for the authorization and reimbursement of high-risk medical devices in the USA, Europe, Australia and Canada: An analysis of seven high-risk medical devices. HTA-Projektbericht 73.
Mad, P. and Geiger-Gritsch, S. and Mittermayr, T. and Wild, C. (2009): Tocolysis in preterm labour - A systematic review of evidence-based guidelines, effectiveness and health economic evaluations. HTA-Projektbericht 030.
Mad, P. and Johansson, T. and Guba, B. and Wild, C. (2008): Clinical Pathways: Systematic Review of outcome parameters and effectiveness. HTA-Projektbericht 16.
Mad, P. and Langer, T. and Guba, B. and Kvas, E. and Reichelt, C. and Adlbrecht, C. and Wild, C. (2007): [Role and positioning of university outpatient departments]. HTA-Projektbericht 05.
Mathis, S. and Eisner, W. (2010): Gamma Knife versus adapted linear accelerators: A comparison of two radiosurgical applications . HTA-Projektbericht 47.
Mathis, S. and Wild, C. (2008): [Clinical and health economic registries in the field of cardiovascular, spinal and neurologic diseases. Methods and good practice strategies]. HTA-Projektbericht 11.
Mathis, S. and Wild, C. and Piso, B. and Piribauer, F. (2009): Evidence supported health services planning. HTA Projektbericht 021.
Mathis-Edenhofer, S. and Schramm, F. and Wild, C. (2012): Re-orientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive health care programme, Part VII: The potential of an electronic implementation. HTA- Projektbericht 54 .
Mayer, J. and Nachtnebel, A. (2013): Identification of ineffective interventions and technologies: Existing models and their implementation. HTA-Projektbericht 68.
Mikl, M. and Wild, C. and Torgersen, H. (1995): [Genetic analysis: Practice of diagnosis and counseling in Austria]. ITA-Projektberichte.
Nachtnebel, A. (2010): Evaluation of diagnostic technologies – background, challenges, methods. HTA-Projektbericht 36.
Nachtnebel, A. (2009): [Coverage with Evidence Development - Experiences from selected countries]. HTA-Projektbericht 024.
Pammer, C. and Abuzahra, M. and Wild, C. (2009): Classification of disease severity for neuro- and trauma rehabilitation Part 1: instruments for stroke and traumatic brain injury . HTA-Projektbericht 023a.
Patera, N. (2013): Screening for Colorectal Cancer. Part 3: Status of screening-activities and quality assurance of screening-colonoscopy. HTA-Projektbericht 41c.
Patera, N. (2011): Quality of care in oncology and its measurement. HTA-Projektbericht 49a.
Patera, N. (2011): Strengthening the evidence base for a learning health system - Inspirations from good practice for capacity building in health services research and public health research. HTA-Projektbericht 48.
Patera, N. (2010): Screening for Colorectal Cancer. Part 1: Screening-Tests and Project Design. (2nd revised edition). HTA-Projektbericht 41a.
Patera, N. and Piso, B. (2012): Occupational Therapy Part IV for Dementia and Part V for Depression. HTA- Projektbericht 60.
Patera, N. and Reinsperger, I. (2013): Treatment by clinical psychologists. Part I: Overview of training requirements and systematic stakeholder analysis on delineation of areas of responsibility and treatment methods. HTA-Projektbericht 69a.
Patera, N. and Schumacher, I. (2012): Screening for Colorectal Cancer. Part 1: Screening Tests and Program Design (3. updated edition). HTA-Projektbericht 41a.
Patera, N. and Schumacher, I. (2012): Screening for Colorectal Cancer. Part 2: Health economic evaluations and cost dynamics (2. updated edition). HTA-Projektbericht 41b.
Patera, N. and Wild, C. (2012): Generic indicators for process quality in oncological care: A compendium. HTA-Projektbericht 49b.
Patera, N. and Wild, C. (2009): Status quo mammography screening: evaluation results from organised programs. HTA-Projektbericht 035.
Peissl, W. and Tellioglu, H. and Wild, C. and Nentwich, M. (1997): [The digital hospital / PACS]. ITA-Projektbericht 9.
Peissl, W. and Tschakalov, P. and Wild, C. (1991): [Effects of Medcard/patient card in Austria]. ITA-Projektberichte.
Piso, B. (2008): Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Part I- Evaluation and Indicators Part II- Comparative analysis of various rehabilitation models and Phase III. HTA-Projektbericht 15.
Piso, B. and Gyimesi, M. and Tüchler, H. (2010): Outpatient cardiac rehabilitation. Part 3b: Retrospective cohort study (with/without phase III rehabilitation) - application of the evaluation plan. HTA-Projektbericht 31b.
Piso, B. and Reinsperger, I. (2014): Sustainability of inpatient psychiatric rehabilitation for adults: systematic review. HTA-Projektbericht 75.
Piso, B. and Tüchler, H. (2016): Outpatient cardiac rehabilitation part VI: prospective multi-centre cohort study (comparing patients with and without phase III). HTA-Projektbericht 90.
Piso, B. and Wild, C. and Winkler, R. and Warmuth, M. (2011): Reorientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive care programme. Part IV: Synthesis of parts I-III, recommendations. HTA-Projektbericht 045d.
Radlberger, P. and Johansson, T. and Wild, C. (2009): Economic aspects of clinically effective and efficient models of health services in alcohol addiction treatment Part 1: International models and approaches of outcome measurement Part 2: Selected models of integrated care and their evaluation. HTA-Projektbericht 010.
Radlberger, P. and Wild, C. and Guba, B. (2007): [Mammography screening. Evidence-based evaluation of mammography-based breast cancer screening programmes]. HTA-Projektbericht 07.
Radlberger, P. and Zechmeister, I. (2011): IFEDH - Innovative Framework for Evidence-based Decisionmaking in Health Care – Standardised working in HTA (WP 1.2). HTA-Projektbericht 044a.
Radlberger, P. and Zechmeister, I. (2010): Screening for Colorectal Cancer. Part 2: Health economic evaluations and developments of costs. HTA-Projektbericht 41b.
Radlberger, P. and Zechmeister, I. and Mittermayr, T. (2009): Child and adolescent psychiatry part 2: A systematic review of health economic evaluations . HTA-Projektbericht 28.
Reinsperger, I. and Goetz, G. and Winkler, R. (2018): Screening and prevention programmes for children and adolescents from 6 to 14 years. Results from selected countries and recommendations from evidence-based guidelines. HTA-Projektbericht 106.
Reinsperger, I. and Patera, N. and Piso, B. (2013): Treatment by clinical psychologists. Part II: Literature overview on methods of treatment and areas of application. HTA-Projektbericht 69b.
Reinsperger, I. and Piso, B. (2012): Occupational Therapy Part III. Occupational therapy for patients after stroke. HTA- Projektbericht 59.
Reinsperger, I. and Rosian, K. and Winkler, R. and Piso, B. (2018): Re-orientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive care programme. Part XI: Further development of the mother-child-pass: Screening recommendations of the expert working group for pregnancy, puerperium and early childhood (0-6 years). HTA-Projektbericht 92.
Reinsperger, I. and Winkler, R. and Piso, B. (2013): Re-orientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive care programme. Part IX: Recommendations from evidence-based guidelines for screening measures during pregnancy and early childhood (0-6 yrs.) . HTA-Projektbericht 62.
Robausch, M and Groessmann, N (2020): Health Services Research in Oncology. Part I: End-of-Life Care . HTA-Projektbericht 127.
Robausch, M. and Emprechtinger, R. (2017): Percutaneous aortic valve replacement (TAVI) in Austria. Part 2: Data analysis. HTA-Projektbericht 95b.
Rosian, K. and Fischer, S. and Grössmann, N. (2018): Inhalation sedation with laughing gas (N2O) in dentistry – organisational and professional aspects and a systematic review of efficacy and safety. HTA-Projektbericht 105.
Rosian, K. and Winkler, R. (2017): Psychotherapy - concepts, effect factors and a comparison of legal regulations in three German speaking countries. HTA-Projektbericht 93.
Sassi, F. and McDaid, D. (1998): Transnational analysis of the socio-economic impact of Alzheimer's disease (AD) in the European Union. Report to DG V of the European Commission.
Schiller-Frühwirth, I. and Johansson, T. and Göbl, M. and Reiselhuber, S. and Wild, C. (2009): Folic acid fortification of flour in Austria - Risks and benefits. HTA-Projektbericht 020.
Schmidt , L. and Lohr, P. and Prenner, A. and Poerio, E. and Ceresola, E. and Andretta, M. and Cavazzana, A. (2019): Robot-assisted surgery in thoracic and visceral indications. HTA-Projektbericht 108.
Schmidt, L. and Lohr, P. and Wild, C. (2018): Stereotactic radiotherapy, proton therapy and irreversible electroporation for the treatment of localised prostate cancer. HTA-Projektbericht 107.
Schumacher, I. (2009): Artificial food colours and Hyperactivity. HTA-Projektbericht 034.
Schumacher, I. and Piso, B. (2012): Occupational therapy. Part I: Status quo in Austria and part II: Occupational therapy for rheumatoid arthritis. HTA- Projektbericht 56.
Schumacher, I. and Piso, B. (2012): Reorientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive care programme. Part V: Measures to reduce preterm birth. HTA-Projektbericht 50.
Schumacher, I. and Zechmeister, I. (2011): Impact from HTA-research for the Austrian health care system. Part 2: Results of the empirical survey. HTA-Projektbericht 37b.
Schumacher, I. and Zechmeister, I. (2010): Impact of HTA-research in Austria for the health care system. Part 1: Overview - Update. HTA-Projektbericht 37a.
Semlitsch, T. and Horvath, K. (2019): Screening for Diabetes mellitus: guideline recommendations. HTA-Projektbericht 118.
Stanak, M. and Hawlik, K. (2017): Perinatal Care at the threshold of viability Part II: Decision-making at the threshold of viability and ethical challenges at Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs). HTA-Projektbericht 97b.
Stanak, M. and Strohmaier, C. (2019): Minimum volume standards for quality assurance in day surgery: Fundamentals and Systematic Review. HTA-Projektbericht 125.
Van der Vossen, A. (2013): Marketing Authorisations under Exceptional Circumstances for Oncology Drugs . HTA- Projektbericht 65.
Warmuth, M. and Mad, P. and Piso, B. and Schumacher, I. and Wild, C. (2011): Reorientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive care programme. Part I: Epidemiology - Frequency of risk factors and disease during pregnancy and early childhood. HTA-Projektbericht 045a.
Warmuth, M. and Mad, P. and Wild, C. (2009): Haemocomplettan® P alone or in combination with Fibrogammin® P in acquired hypofibrinogenemia. HTA-Projektbericht 039.
Warmuth, M. and Schumacher, I. and Maringer, B. (2011): Efficacy and safety of treatment options for varicose veins. HTA-Projektbericht 051.
Wild, C. (2007): [External manual. Part 1]. HTA-Projektbericht 03.
Wild, C. (1998): [Delphi-Austria: foresight on medical technologies and social-organisational developments in health care]. Delphi Report Austria 2.
Wild, C. and Hahn, R. (2000): [Near-patient CRP testing by physicians in private practice to reduce antibiotic prescriptions]. ITA-Projektbericht 16.
Wild, C. and Hintringer, K. and Narath, M. (2013): Hadron therapy: Proton and carbon ion therapy - A review of clinical evidence of efficacy, ongoing research and reimbursement. HTA-Projektbericht 74.
Wild, C. and Jonas, S. (2000): [Erythropoietin in tumour anaemia. An assessment]. ITA-Projektbericht 15.
Wild, C. and Jonas, S. and Frank, W. and Traunmüller, F. (2001): [Invasive aspergillosis: State of the art in diagnosis, treatment and conditions. An assessment]. ITA-Projektbericht 18.
Wild, C. and Khene, M. and Wanke, S. (1998): [Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT). Final report]. ITA-Projektbericht 10.
Wild, C. and Kirschner, A. (1993): [Technology and ageing I: Safety alarm systems and counseling for housing adaption]. ITA-Projektberichte.
Wild, C. and Langer, T. (2006): Horizon Scanning System (HSS). An Overview. HTA-Projektbericht 02.
Wild, C. and Leitner, S. (1997): [Technology and Ageing II: European initiatives, neighbourhood-initiatives, Internet-services]. ITA-Projektberichte.
Wild, C. and Narath, M. and Frank, W. (2002): [Evidence-based ICU bed planning]. ITA-Projektbericht 23.
Wild, C. and Patera, N. and Küllinger, R. and Narath, M. (2015): PET/PET-CT Evidence for need based planning (in oncology indications). HTA-Projektbericht 77.
Wild, C. and Puig, S. (2003): [Non-ionic contrast media: clinical relevance of different CM-products]. ITA-Projektbericht 24.
Winkler, R. (2018): Dropouts in Psychotherapy. Part I: Predictors, theories and models to explain and recommend courses of action to avoid discontinuation of therapy. Part II: "Overview of Reviews" on dropouts in psychotherapy. HTA-Projektbericht 100.
Winkler, R. (2011): Reorientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive care programme. Part II: International policies, concepts and screening strategies focusing on “normal” and “high-risk” development processes during pregnancy and early childhood until school entry. HTA-Projektbericht 045b.
Winkler, R. (2009): Evaluations of child and adolescent psychiatry. Theory and practice about measurement dimensions, indicators and instruments. HTA Projektbericht 027.
Winkler, R. and Erdos, J. and Wimmer, B. and Piso, B. (2012): Re-orientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive health care programme, Part VI: Health visiting services in the context of health care programmes for pregnant women, parents and children. HTA-Projektbericht 53.
Winkler, R. and Goetz, G. and Schink , J. and Reinsperger, I. (2019): Screening programs for children and adolescents from 6 to 18 years. Results on selected countries, Austrian screening programmes and recommendations from evidence-based guidelines. HTA-Projektbericht 123.
Winkler, R. and Piso, B. (2013): Mental Health Rehabilitation for Children and Adolescents – Systematic overview of evaluation outcomes and instruments. HTA-Projektbericht 67.
Winkler, R. and Reinsperger, I. (2019): Evaluation methods for the benefit assessment of easily accessible, outpatient health centres for vulnerable groups - Target group focus: Homeless and non-insured persons. HTA-Projektbericht 114.
Winkler, R. and Reinsperger, I. and Piso, B. (2015): Effects of tangible and intangible incentives on health behavior, Part I: Definitions, theories and models – Part II: Overview of reviews covering 4 health issues. HTA-Projektbericht 83.
Winkler, R. and Rosian, K. (2016): Supply Mandates. HTA-Projektbericht 88.
Wolf, S. and Fischer, S. (2017): Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation Part I: A systematic review of health economic evaluations. HTA-Projektbericht 95a.
Wolf, S. and Wild, C. (2018): Drug reimbursement in the inpatient sector in Austria: Approaches for a transparent and evidence-based process, taking into account international experience . HTA-Projektbericht 109.
Wolf, S. and Winkler, R. (2019): Rehabilitation for children and adolescents in Austria: A systematic analysis of evaluation methodologies. HTA-Projektbericht 122.
Zakosteletzki, L. and Nachtnebel, A. (2012): Horizon Scanning in Oncology - Impact evaluation and environmental analysis. HTA- Projektbericht 61.
Zapata Cachafeiro, M. and Varela Lema, L. and Faraldo Vallés, M.J. and Fuchs, E. (2019): Irreversible electroporation for the treatment of liver and pancreatic cancer. HTA-Projektbericht 119.
Zechmeister, I. and Freiesleben de Blasio, B. and Radlberger, P. and Wild, C. and Kvas, E. and Garnett, G. and Neilson, A. R. (2007): [Economic evaluation of HPV vaccination in Austria]. HTA-Projektbericht 09.
Zechmeister, I. and Loibl, T. (2011): Reorientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive care programme. Part III: Financing structures of services and public transfers for parents and young children. HTA-Projektbericht 045c.
Zechmeister, I. and Sroczynski, G. and Rafetseder, O. and Jonas, S. (2006): [Chronic hepatitis C: Decision analytic modeling]. ITA-Projektbericht 29.
Zechmeister, I. and Stollenwerk, B. and Ara, R. and Ward, S. (2008): Statins for the Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases: An Analysis of Expected Population Health Gains and Cost-Utility in Austria (Part II of the project 'Statins: A comparison between predicted and actual effects on population health in Austria') . HTA-Projektbericht 018.
Zechmeister, I. and Stollenwerk, B. and Langley, T. (2008): Have Statins Met Our Expectations? A Comparison of Expected Health Gains from Statins with Epidemiological Trends in Austria (Part III of the Project 'Statins: A Comparison Between Predicted and Actual Effects on Population Health in Austria'). HTA-Projektbericht 019.
Zechmeister, I. and Wild, C. (2006): [Statins and their prognosed as well as real impact on hospital services in Austria]. ITA-Projektbericht 30.
Zechmeister, I. and Wild, C. and Langer, T. and Koller, D. (2007): [Neonatal care of low-risk newborns. An approach to evidence-based health care planning in Styria] . HTA-Projektbericht 04.
Zechmeister-Koss , I. and Goodyear, M. (2018): Supporting children who have parents with mental disorders in Tyrol: A mapping of existing Tyrolean support and societal structures. HTA-Projektbericht 113a.
Zechmeister-Koss, I. and Tüchler, H. (2018): Prevalence of mental disorders and uptake of mental health services in Tyrol: An analysis of epidemiological literature and administrative data from the Tyrolean health insurance. HTA-Projektbericht 113b.
Zechmeister-Koss, I. (2012): Standards on how to parameterise models via published literature: Input of the LBI-HTA for IFEDH work package 4. HTA- Projektbericht 58.
Zechmeister-Koss, I. and Fischer, S. and Erdos, J. (2012): Re-orientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive care programme. Part VIII: Review of economic evaluations and budget impact analysis of outreach services and measures to reduce premature birth. HTA-Projektbericht 55.
Zechmeister-Koss, I. and Reichel, M. (2012): Health status and access to health care of homeless people: A literature review. HTA-Projektbericht 63.
Zorginstituut Nederland (ZIN), EUnetHTA and Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE), EUnetHTA (2018): MammaPrint® Added value of using the gene expression signature test MammaPrint® for adjuvant chemotherapy decision-making in early breast cancer. EUnetHTA report . HTA-Projektbericht 102.