AIHTA - Publications - Search - Items where Year is 2002
Number of items: 67.

Wild, C. (2002): [Pharmacogenetics]. HTA-Newsletter 13: p. 4.

Groth, S. (2002): [Hormone replacement therapy for menopausal symptoms. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 13: p. 2.

Wild, C. (2002): [Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors in the treatment of acute coronary syndromes]. HTA-Newsletter 13: pp. 2-3.

Wild, C. (2002): [Coated stents]. HTA-Newsletter 13: pp. 3-4.

Wild, C. (2002): [New anti-cancer drugs]. ITA-Newsletter December 2002: p. 9.

Wild, C. (2002): [Rationing in health care]. ITA-Newsletter December 2002: p. 8.

Wild, C. and Gibis, B. (2002): Evaluations of health interventions in social insurance-based countries: Germany, the Netherlands, and Austria. Health Policy 63 (02): pp. 187-196.

Wild, C. (2002): [Trastuzumab for breast cancer]. HTA-Newsletter 12: p. 2.

Wild, C. (2002): [Treatment of varicose veins]. HTA-Newsletter 12: pp. 3-4.

Wild, C. (2002): [Visual electrodiagnosis]. HTA-Newsletter 12: p. 4.

Wild, C. (2002): [Ultrasound screening for hip dysplasia in newborns]. HTA-Newsletter 12: pp. 2-3.

Wild, C. (2002): [New drugs in the treatment of cancer. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 12: p. 1.

Wild, C. (2002): [Proton radiation]. HTA-Newsletter 11: p. 2.

Wild, C. (2002): [Infliximab for Crohn's disease]. HTA-Newsletter 11: p. 4.

Wild, C. (2002): [Rationing in health care. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 11: pp. 1-2.

Wild, C. (2002): [Tinnitus retraining therapy]. HTA-Newsletter 11: pp. 2-3.

Wild, C. (2002): [Living donor transplantation]. HTA-Newsletter 11: pp. 3-4.

Wild, C. (2002): [Guidance for manufacturers and medical associations on submission of evidence]. ITA-Newsletter September 2002: p. 11.

Wild, C. (2002): [ISTAHC 2002: Trends and tendencies]. ITA-Newsletter September 2002: p. 10.

Wild, C. (2002): [Tandem mass spectometry (TMS) and neonatal screening]. HTA-Newsletter 10: pp. 3-4.

Wild, C. (2002): [The KoA-committee in Germany. Editorial}. HTA-Newsletter 10: pp. 1-2.

Wild, C. (2002): [Intensive care units: An evidence-based needs assessment for Austria]. HTA-Newsletter 10: p. 2.

Wild, C. (2002): [Tacrolimus ointment for the treatment of atopic dermatitis/AD]. HTA-Newsletter 10: pp. 2-3.

Wild, C. (2002): [Stapled haemorrhoidectomy]. HTA-Newsletter 10: p. 4.

Wild, C. (2002): [Meeting the needs of intensive care]. ITA-Newsletter September 2002: p. 5.

Wild, C. (2002): [Psoriasis]. HTA-Newsletter 09: p. 3.

Wild, C. (2002): [Evidence-based dentistry]. HTA-Newsletter 09: p. 2.

Wild, C. (2002): [Youth suicide prevention]. HTA-Newsletter 09: p. 4.

Wild, C. (2002): [ISTAHC 2002: Trends and tendencies. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 09: p. 1.

Wild, C. (2002): [Bupropion in smoking cessation]. HTA-Newsletter 09: pp. 2-3.

Wild, C. and Narath, M. and Frank, W. (2002): [Evidence-based ICU bed planning]. ITA-Projektbericht 23.

Wild, C. (2002): [Drug therapy for adiposity]. HTA-Newsletter 08: pp. 3-4.

Wild, C. (2002): [Robotic surgery]. HTA-Newsletter 08: p. 2.

Wild, C. (2002): [Surgical treatment of obesity]. HTA-Newsletter 08: p. 4.

Wild, C. (2002): [Positron emission tomography/PET]. HTA-Newsletter 08: pp. 2-3.

Wild, C. (2002): [Guidelines for manufacturers and medical associations on submission of evidence. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 08: p. 1.

Wild, C. (2002): [Predictive genetic testing for breast and prostate cancer]. HTA-Newsletter 07: p. 2.

Wild, C. (2002): [Vaccines for preventing influenza]. HTA-Newsletter 07: pp. 3-4.

Wild, C. (2002): [Ritalin for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder/ADHD]. HTA-Newsletter 07: pp. 2-3.

Wild, C. (2002): [Pallidotomy in Parkinson's disease]. HTA-Newsletter 07: p. 4.

Gawlik, C. (2002): [Disease management programmes in Germany. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 07: pp. 1-2.

Jonas, S. and Schamberger, C. and Wild, C. (2002): [Predictive genetic diagnosis for breast and colon carcinoma: Diagnosis, treatment, public health aspects]. ITA-Projektbericht 21.

Busse, R. and Orvain, J. and Velasco-Garrido, M. and Perleth, M. and Drummond, M. and Wild, C. (2002): Best practice in undertaking and reporting health technology assessment. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 18 (02): pp. 361-422.

Wild, C. (2002): [In vitro fertilisation and intracytoplastic sperm injection]. HTA-Newsletter 06: pp. 2-3.

Wild, C. (2002): [The EndoCinch suturing system]. HTA-Newsletter 06: pp. 3-4.

Wild, C. (2002): [COX-2 inhibitors in the treament of arthritis]. HTA-Newsletter 06: p. 4.

Wild, C. (2002): [Laser-induced thermotherapy (LITT) in the treatment of malignant tumours]. HTA-Newsletter 06: p. 2.

Gerhardus, A. (2002): [Impact of health technology assessments on policy. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 06: pp. 1-2.

Wild, C. (2002): [Glitazone in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus]. HTA-Newsletter 05: p. 2.

Wild, C. (2002): [Diabetic foot syndrome: Early diagnosis and treatment costs]. HTA-Newsletter 05: pp. 3-4.

Wild, C. (2002): [Insulin analogues]. HTA-Newsletter 05: p. 3.

Wild, C. (2002): [Alpha lipoic acid in the treatment of neuropathy]. HTA-Newsletter 05: pp. 2-3.

Pieber, T. R. (2002): [Disease management for diabetes mellitus. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 5: p. 1.

Wild, C. (2002): [Critical journalism: Evidence-based reporting of innovations]. ITA-Newsletter March 2002: p. 8.

Wild, C. (2002): [Clopidogrel (Plavix): Secondary prevention of coronary heart disease]. HTA-Newsletter 04: p. 2.

Wild, C. (2002): [Acupuncture]. HTA-Newsletter 04: pp. 2-4.

Wild, C. (2002): [Antifungal agents in the treatment of invasive aspergillosis]. HTA-Newsletter 04: p. 4.

Wild, C. (2002): [Is critical journalism contradictory to the reporting of innovations? Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 04: p. 1.

Wild, C. (2002): [Screening for colorectal cancer]. HTA-Newsletter 04: p. 4.

Wild, C. and Jonas, S. and Schamberger, C. (2002): [Predictive genetic diagnostics for hereditary cancer]. Mitteilungen der Sanitätsverwaltung 01: pp. 6-8.

Wild, C. (2002): Erythropoietin in tumor anemia - for whom is effective?. International Journal of Cancer 13 (Supplement): p. 70.

Wild, C. and Jonas, S. and Frank, W. and Schmetterer, L. and Sycha, T. (2002): [Immunoglobulins in transplant medicine. Prevention and therapy of cytomegalovirus infections: An Assessment]. Transplantationsmedizin (02): pp. 65-73.

Wild, C. and Jonas, S. (2002): [Predictive genetic testing for breast and colon cancer]. Newsletter der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Public Health (3): p. 1.

Wild, C. (2002): [Is critical journalism contradictory to the reporting of innovations?]. ZaeFQ: Zeitschrift für ärztliche Fortbildung und Qualitätssicherung (96): p. 336.

Jonas, S. and Wild, C. and Schamberger, C. (2002): Predictive genetic testing for mammary and colorectal cancer. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 114 Suppl. (17-18): p. 24.

Wild, C. and Narath, M. (2002): [Evidence-based ICU bed planning]. Mitteilungen der Sanitätsverwaltung 01: pp. 9-12.

Wild, C. (2002): Situation of HTA in the German speaking countries - Health technology in Austria. In: The Challenge of Collaboration. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Technology Assessment in Health Care: München-Jena: Urban & Fischer.

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