AIHTA - Publications - Search - Items where Year is 2007
Number of items: 75.

Zechmeister, I. and Freiesleben de Blasio, B. and Radlberger, P. and Wild, C. and Kvas, E. and Garnett, G. and Neilson, A. R. (2007): [Economic evaluation of HPV vaccination in Austria]. HTA-Projektbericht 09.

Felder-Puig, R. (2007): [The future of clinical studies?]. Österreichische Ärztezeitung (12): pp. 48-49.

Wild, C. (2007): [Resource allocation in paediatrics]. 1st Annual Meeting of Childhood Medicine. Salzburg, 19.-20.10.2007.

Guba, B. (2007): The role of the information specialist in the context of health technology assessment. Workshop of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries. Krakow, 12.-15.09.2007.

Zechmeister, I. (2007): [Treatment of mental disorders. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 60: p. 1.

Felder-Puig, R. (2007): [Whole-body-CT screening. More harm than benefit?]. HTA-Newsletter 60: p. 2.

Radlberger, P. (2007): [Mass spectrometry for metabolic diseases in newborns]. HTA-Newsletter 60: pp. 3-4.

Breyer, E. (2007): [Nanotechnologies in medicine: Hopes and risks]. HTA-Newsletter 60: pp. 2-3.

Mad, P. (2007): [Health services research: Service improvement]. HTA-Newsletter 60: p. 4.

Zechmeister, I. and Wild, C. and Langer, T. and Koller, D. (2007): [Neonatal care of low-risk newborns by paediatricians. An approach to evidence-based health care planning]. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde July 2007. (Submitted)

Wild, C. and Zechmeister, I. (2007): [Allocation of resources and equity. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 59: p. 1.

Felder-Puig, R. (2007): [Non-pharmacological interventions to prevent wandering in dementia]. HTA-Newsletter 59: pp. 2-3.

Wild, C. (2007): [FDA: Safety warning on erythropoietin]. ÖKZ: Österreichische Krankenhauszeitung 48 (07).

Gartlehner, G. (2007): [New vaccines: Horizon scanning]. HTA-Newsletter 59: p. 4.

Zechmeister, I. (2007): [Hepatitis C therapy]. HTA-Newsletter 59: p. 2.

Falkner, E. and Wild, C. (2007): Cell salvage for minimising perioperative allogeneic blood transfers]. HTA-Newsletter 59: p. 3.

Wild, C. (2007): [FDA: Safety warning on erythropoietin]. HTA-Newsletter 58: p. 4.

Metz, S. and Mittermayer, H. (2007): [Antibiotic resistance: A challenge for health policy. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 58: p. 1.

Geiger-Gritsch, S. (2007): [Avastin® (Bevacizumab): Off-label use in cancer therapy]. HTA-Newsletter 58: p. 2.

Wild, C. and Adlbrecht, C. (2007): [Radiopharmaceuticals in palliative care]. HTA-Newsletter 58: pp. 2-3.

Mad, P. (2007): [Photodynamic therapy in the palliative treatment of malignant oesophageal stenosis]. HTA-Newsletter 58: pp. 3-4.

Guba, B. (2007): [Library services in university portals: Outlook and risks]. VÖB-Mitteilungen 60 (2): pp. 30-38.

Korencan, A. and Guba, B. and Wild, C. (2007): Testing for HER2 positive breast cancer. Challenge for improvement of current conditions and practice. HTA-Projektbericht 08.

Felder-Puig, R. (2007): [Back pain. Various methods of treatment]. HTA-Newsletter 57: pp. 2-3.

Langer, T. (2007): [Environmental safety of drugs]. HTA-Newsletter 57: p. 1.

Falkner, E. (2007): [Tissue engineering]. HTA-Newsletter 57: p. 3.

Mathis, S. (2007): [Interstitial brachytherapy in the treatment of localised prostate cancer]. HTA-Newsletter 57: p. 4.

Adlbrecht, C. and Wild, C. (2007): [Targeted radionuclide therapy with 90Y- and 177-Lu-DOTATOC in patients with neuroendocrine tumors. HTA in hospitals]. Decision Support Document 02.

Gartlehner, G. (2007): [Second-generation antidepressants]. HTA-Newsletter 57: p. 2.

Wild, C. (2007): [Health technology assessment in Austria]. UMIT-PH course. Hall/Tyrol, 17.04.2007.

Mad, P. and Felder-Puig, R. and Gartlehner, G. (2007): [Randomized controlled trials]. WMW: Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift April 2007. (In Press)

Mad, P. (2007): [Telemonitoring for patients with chronic heart failure]. HTA-Newsletter 56: p. 4.

Radlberger, P. (2007): [Wound treatment: Vacuum-assisted closure]. HTA-Newsletter 56: p. 3.

Wild, C. and Adlbrecht, C. (2007): [Laser vaporisation of benign prostatic hyperplasia]. HTA-Newsletter 56: p. 2.

Velasco-Garrido, M. and Busse, R. (2007): [Health baskets in 9 countries of the EU. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 56: p. 1.

Zechmeister, I. (2007): [Age-related macular degeneration (AMD): Diagnostics]. HTA-Newsletter 56: pp. 2-3.

Mad, P. and Domanovits, H. and Fazelnia, C. and Stiassny, K. (2007): Human heart-type fatty-acid-binding protein as a point-of-care test in the early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine 100 (4): pp. 203-210.

Wild, C. (2007): [Health technology assessment]. European Forum Alpbach. Vienna, 28.03.2007.

Radlberger, P. (2007): [Participation in screening programmes]. HTA-Newsletter 55: p. 4.

Adlbrecht, C. and Wild, C. (2007): [Photoselective vaporisation of the prostate in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia. HTA in hospitals]. Decision Support Document 01.

Wild, C. (2007): [Drug eluting stents. Status quo]. ÖKZ: Österreichische Krankenhauszeitung 48 (03).

Said, H. (2007): [Relationship between health and health care costs. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 55: p. 1.

Korencan, A. (2007): [HER2 diagnostics in breast cancer]. HTA-Newsletter 55: pp. 3-4.

Mad, P. (2007): [Screening for Glaucoma]. HTA-Newsletter 55: pp. 2-3.

Felder-Puig, R. (2007): [Artificial cervical discs. Recent study results]. HTA-Newsletter 55: p. 2.

Mad, P. and Langer, T. and Guba, B. and Kvas, E. and Reichelt, C. and Adlbrecht, C. and Wild, C. (2007): [Role and positioning of university outpatient departments]. HTA-Projektbericht 05.

Wild, C. (2007): [Drug Eluting Stents (DES). Update February 27th, 2007. HTA in hospitals]. HTA in hospitals. Vienna, 27.02.2007.

Mad, P. (2007): [Robotic surgery in urology: Prostate interventions]. HTA-Newsletter 54: p. 4.

Wild, C. (2007): [Growth hormones: Possible late effects]. HTA-Newsletter 54: pp. 3-4.

Felder-Puig, R. (2007): [Hypertension and weight-loss. Treatment options]. HTA-Newsletter 54: pp. 2-3.

Wild, C. (2007): [Biosimilars]. HTA-Newsletter 54: p. 2.

Zechmeister, I. and Wild, C. and Langer, T. and Koller, D. (2007): [Neonatal care of low-risk newborns. An approach to evidence-based health care planning in Styria] . HTA-Projektbericht 04.

Groth, S. (2007): [HPV immunisation and cervical cancer prevention. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 54: p. 1.

Mad, P. (2007): Drug Eluting Stents (DES): Safety aspects. HTA-Newsletter 53: pp. 2-3.

Felder-Puig, R. (2007): [Age-related macular degeneration. Treatment and quality of life]. HTA-Newsletter 53: p. 2.

Radlberger, P. (2007): [Genotyping for Cytochrome P450 Polymorphisms]. HTA-Newsletter 53: p. 3.

Korencan, A. (2007): [Diagnosis of cytomegalovirus disease in immunocompromised patients]. HTA-Newsletter 53: p. 4.

Radlberger, P. and Wild, C. and Guba, B. (2007): [Mammography screening. Evidence-based evaluation of mammography-based breast cancer screening programmes]. HTA-Projektbericht 07.

Fried, A. (2007): [The pharmaceutical industry puts pressure on publishers]. HTA-Newsletter 53: p. 1.

Wild, C. (2007): [External manual. Part 1]. HTA-Projektbericht 03.

Falkner, E. and Eder, C. (2007): Health technology assessment: Evaluation of costs and benefits of therapies & methods. Int. J. Artif. Org. 2007. (In Press)

Falkner, E. and Eder, C. and Wild, C. (2007): Evaluation of regenerative medicine/tissue engineering approaches by health technolgy assessment. Regenerative Medicine 2007. (In Press)

Wild, C. and Zechmeister, I. (2007): [Theories of distributional justice in health care and the role of HTA]. Kurswechsel 2: pp. 87-88.

Wild, C. and Gartlehner, G. (2007): [Health technology assessment]. WMW: Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 2007. (Submitted)

Wild, C. (2007): [Health technology assessment in Austria]. In: Perleth, M. and Busse, R. and Gerhardus, A. and Gibis, B. Health Technology Assessment. Konzepte, Methoden, Praxis für Wissenschaft und Entscheidungsfindung: Berliner Schriftenreihe Gesundheitswissenschaften. Berlin: MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft OHG, pp. 37-40. ISBN 978-3-939069-22-5.

Wild, C. (2007): [Horizon scanning]. ÖKZ: Österreichische Krankenhauszeitung 48 (04): p. 16.

Wild, C. and Adlbrecht, C. (2007): [Avastin for age-related macular degeneration]. Rapid Assessment LBI-HTA 02.

Felder-Puig, R. and Mad, P. and Gartlehner, G. (2007): [Diagnostic studies]. WMW: Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 2007. (In Press)

Felder-Puig, R. (2007): [Therapeutic conversation: The effectiveness of intensified physician-patient communication]. Newsletter der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Public Health (01): p. 2.

Wild, C. (2007): [Funding programme of the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF)]. ÖKZ: Österreichische Krankenhauszeitung 48 (01): p. 16.

Knapp, M. and Mc Daid, D. and Amaddeo, F. and Zechmeister, I. (2007): Financing Mental Health Care in Europe. Journal of Mental Health 16 (02): pp. 167-180.

Zechmeister, I. and Österle, A. (2007): [Informal care of people with mental disorders: Does the Austrian long-term care system provide adequate support?]. Neuropsychiatrie 21 (1): pp. 29-36.

Mad, P. and Wild, C. (2007): [Photodynamic therapy for the treatment of malignant stenosis in the alimentary tract. HTA in hospitals]. Decision Support Document 03.

Zechmeister, I. and Radlberger, P. (2007): [Health economic evaluation]. WMW: Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 2007. (Submitted)

Zechmeister, I. (2007): [Is it worth investing in mental health promotion and prevention of mental disorders? Evidence from economic evaluations]. In: Meggeneder, O. Tagungsband zur Wissenschaftlichen Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Public Health: Linz: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Public Health. (In Press)

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