- NLM Classification (1)
- W Health professions (81)
- W 26 Health informatics (15)
- W Health professions (81)
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Mathis, S. and Wild, C. (2008): [Clinical and health economic registries in the field of cardiovascular, spinal and neurologic diseases. Methods and good practice strategies]. HTA-Projektbericht 11.
Mathis-Edenhofer, S. and Schramm, F. and Wild, C. (2012): Re-orientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive health care programme, Part VII: The potential of an electronic implementation. HTA- Projektbericht 54 .
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Riegelnegg, M. and Giess, D. and Goetz, G. (2024): Artificial Intelligence in health care with a focus on hospitals: Methodological considerations for Health Technology Assessment. A Scoping Review. HTA-Projektbericht 164.
Strohmaier, C. and Gassner, L. (2022): Quality Registries in Dementia Care: Mapping of Registries to improve Quality and Service Delivery. HTA-Projektbericht 150.
Strohmaier, C. and Kern, J. (2023): Registries in Austria and their utilisation for healthcare improvement. HTA-Projektbericht 157.
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Wild, C. and Küllinger, R. and Hintringer, K. (2015): The sponsoring of Austrian CME/continuing medical education for physicians. A systematic analysis of the CME-Database. Rapid Assessment 007a.
Zechmeister-Koss, I. and Kern, J. and Edlinger, M. (2024): Uptake of Mental Health Benefits in Women Before and During the Perinatal Period: An Analysis of Austrian Health Insurance Data. HTA-Projektbericht 154.