AIHTA - Publications - Search - Items where Subject is "W 85 Patients and patient advocacy"
Number of items at this level: 23.

Emprechtinger, R. and Erdos, J. and Piso, B. (2016): Thrombectomy for ischaemic stroke: Patient characteristics, structural requirements and (differential) diagnostics. HTA-Projektbericht 87.

Felder-Puig, R. and Turk, E. and Guba, B. and Wild, C. (2006): [Therapeutic conversation: The effectiveness of intensified physician-patient communication]. HTA-Projektbericht 01.

Felder-Puig, R. (2007): [Therapeutic conversation: The effectiveness of intensified physician-patient communication]. Newsletter der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Public Health (01): p. 2.

Fried, A. and Wild, C. (2016): Involvement of Citizens and Patients in HTA-Processes – International Experiences and Good Practice Examples. HTA-Projektbericht 86.

Geiger-Gritsch, S. and Absenger, G. and Endel, F. and Flicker, M. and Hermann, A. and Kocher, F. and Olschewski, H. and Pall, G. and Wurm, M. and Zechmeister, M. (2021): Health Services Research in Oncology: Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Anti-PD-1/PD-L1 Therapy in Real-World Practice. A Pilot Project in Cooperation with Tirol Kliniken GmbH & KAGes. HTA-Projektbericht 126.

Gregor-Patera, N. (2023): Sponsoring of patient initiatives in Austria. 5th Update of the Systematic Analyses 2014 to 2019. AIHTA Policy Brief 007/ 5. Update.

Gregor-Patera, N. and Petersen, P. and Wild, C. (2017): Sponsoring of Patient Initiatives in Austria 2016. Update of the Systematic Analyses 2015 and 2014. Rapid Assessment 007b_2. Update 2017.

Hintringer, K. (2012): Quality Appraisal of Written Consumer Health Information for Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) . HTA-Projektbericht 52.

Petersen, P. and Wild, C. (2017): Sponsoring of Patientinitiatives in Austria 2015. Update of the Systematic Analysis 2014.. Rapid Assessment 007b_1. Update 2017.

Piso, B. (2008): Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Part I- Evaluation and Indicators Part II- Comparative analysis of various rehabilitation models and Phase III. HTA-Projektbericht 15.

Sehic, O. (2021): Sponsoring of patient initiatives in Austria. Update of the Systematic Analyses 2014 to 2018. AIHTA Policy Brief 007.

Sehic, O. and Wild, C. (2021): Non-interventional studies (NIS) in Austria, 2nd update of systematic analyses 2016 & 2017. AIHTA Policy Brief 010.

Tsvenhrosh, A. and Sehic, O. (2019): Sponsoring of Patient Initiatives in Austria 2018. Update of the Systematic Analyses 2014, 2015 and 2016. Rapid Assessment 007b_3. Update 2019.

Wild, C. (2006): [Tube feeding in the demented elderly]. HTA-Newsletter 44: p. 4.

Wild, C. (2005): [Statement of the Viennese Bioethics Commission on advance directives. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 41: p. 1.

Wild, C. (2005): [Advance directives: Comment of the Viennese Bioethics Commission]. ITA-Newsletter September 2005: pp. 12-13.

Wild, C. (2004): [Directives for end-of-life care: Living will and health care power of attorney]. HTA-Newsletter 32: pp. 3-4.

Wild, C. (2004): [Telephone triage services]. HTA-Newsletter 30: pp. 3-4.

Wild, C. (2004): [Home-based chemotherapy: Evaluation criteria]. HTA-Newsletter 30: p. 4.

Wild, C. (2004): [The myth of cancer prevention: Heresy or guidance to maturity. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 27: p. 1.

Wild, C. (2004): [Shared decision making. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 26: p. 1.

Wild, C. and Khan, A. and Erdos, J. (2015): Sponsoring of Patient Initiatives in Austria. Systematic Analysis. Rapid Assessment 007b.

Winkler, R. and Rosian, K. (2016): Supply Mandates. HTA-Projektbericht 88.

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