- NLM Classification (25)
- WB Practice of medicine (3)
- WB 60 Bioethics. Clinical ethics. Clinical ethics committees (20)
- WB Practice of medicine (3)
Ettinger, S. and Wild, C. (2023): CORE-MD Roadmap for Education & Training: Perceived training needs of regulators, notified bodies and clinicians for successful implementation of the EU MDR. AIHTA Policy Brief 000.
Fried, A. and Wild, C. (2016): Involvement of Citizens and Patients in HTA-Processes – International Experiences and Good Practice Examples. HTA-Projektbericht 86.
Galician Agency for Health Technology Assessment (avalia-t), EUnetHTA and Regione Emilia Romagna (RER), EUnetHTA (2018): Screening for fetal trisomies 21, 18 and 13 by non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT). EUnetHTA-Report. HTA-Projektbericht 103.
Jonas, S. (2004): [Genetic testing. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 31: p. 1.
Mikl, M. and Wild, C. and Torgersen, H. (1995): [Genetic analysis: Practice of diagnosis and counseling in Austria]. ITA-Projektberichte.
Reinsperger, I. (2022): Regulation and financing of prenatal screening and diagnostic examinations for fetal anomalies in selected European countries. AIHTA Policy Brief 012.
Schmidt, L. and Prenner, A. and Lohr, P. and Wild, C. (2019): Public & philanthropic financial contribution to the development of new drugs: Methodology & 3 Case Studies. HTA-Projektbericht 120.
Stanak, M. and Hawlik, K. (2017): Perinatal Care at the threshold of viability Part II: Decision-making at the threshold of viability and ethical challenges at Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs). HTA-Projektbericht 97b.
Walter, M. and Strohmaier, C. (2020): Genetic Testing in the Context of Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Management. HTA-Projektbericht 130.
Wild, C. (2006): [Tube feeding in the demented elderly]. HTA-Newsletter 44: p. 4.
Wild, C. (2005): [Statement of the Viennese Bioethics Commission on advance directives. Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 41: p. 1.
Wild, C. (2005): [Advance directives: Comment of the Viennese Bioethics Commission]. ITA-Newsletter September 2005: pp. 12-13.
Wild, C. (2001): [Stem cell research, quo vadis? Editorial]. HTA-Newsletter 03: pp. 1-2.
Wild, C. (2001): [Stem cells: Quo vadis?]. ITA-Newsletter September 2001: pp. 8-9.
Wild, C. (2012): Avastin for Age-related Macular-Degeneration. Evidence synthesis after CATT, IVAN, MANTA. Rapid Assessment 005.
Wild, C. (2008): Polymorphism-screening: genetic testing for predisposition - guidance for technology assessment. Poiesis & Praxis: International Journal of Ethics of Science and Technology Assessment 05 (01): pp. 1-14.
Wild, C. and Grössmann, N. (2019): FoundationOne®CDx: genetic profiling of solid tumours. Rapid Assessment 014.
Wild, C. and Mikl, M. (1996): [Medical genetics in Austria: Opportunities and risks]. Soziale Technik (3): pp. 6-8.
Wohlhöfner, K. (2021): (Good) practice organisational models using real-world evidence for public funding of high prized therapies. HTA-Projektbericht 138.
Wolf, S. and Kern, J. (2024): Strategies for reducing weight stigmatisation towards people with overweight or obesity in the healthcare system. HTA-Projektbericht 160.