- NLM Classification (37)
- WB Practice of medicine (3)
- WB 141-293 Diagnosis (53)
- WB Practice of medicine (3)
Abuzahra, M. and Piso, B. (2010): Classification of disease severity for neuro- and trauma rehabilitation Part 3: Status quo in Austria. HTA-Projektbericht 23c.
Abuzahra, M. and Piso, B. (2009): Classification of disease severity for neuro- and trauma rehabilitation Part 2: International experiences with quality / performance assessments and reimbursement . HTA-Projektbericht 023b.
Auinger, D. and Sehic, O. (2023): Update PET/PET-CT evidence for need based planning in the area of oncology. AIHTA Policy Brief 003/ 3. Update.
Böhler, C.E.H. and Wolf, S. (2020): Lung Cancer Screening in Risk Groups: A Review-Update of the Economic Evidence (Part II). HTA-Projektbericht 132b.
Dellinger, J. and Wild, C. (2012): Universal HIV-Testing. International Recommendations and actual risk of HIV-Infections for Healthcare-Workers. Decision Support Document 61.
Emprechtinger, R. (2018): Echocardiography: Guideline recommendations and options to identify inappropriate use as well as usage rate in Austria. HTA-Projektbericht 98.
Emprechtinger, R. and Fischer, S. and Wild, C. (2016): Options to identify inappropriate use of MRI, Part 3. HTA-Projektbericht 80c.
Ettinger, S. and Jeindl, R. and Erdös, J. (2023): Biomarkers in Alzheimer's Disease. Rapid Review Nr.: 004.
Frühwirth, I. and Wolf, S. (2022): Risk-based breast cancer screening in Austria: a systematic analysis of predictive models to assess individual breast cancer risk, their utility and applicability in a breast cancer screening programme. HTA-Projektbericht 145.
Fuchs, E. and Wolf, S. and Scrozynski, G. (2019): Cervical Carcinoma Prevention - Implementation of an HPV screening test for early detection of cervical cancer in Austria . HTA-Projektbericht 121.
Fuchs, S. and Grössmann, N. and Eckhardt, H. and Busse, R. and Wild, C. (2018): PET/PET-CT Evidence for need based planning in Germany and Austria. HTA-Projektbericht 77/ Update 2018.
Galician Agency for Health Technology Assessment (avalia-t), EUnetHTA and Regione Emilia Romagna (RER), EUnetHTA (2018): Screening for fetal trisomies 21, 18 and 13 by non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT). EUnetHTA-Report. HTA-Projektbericht 103.
Goetz, G. (2021): Stool DNA testing for colorectal cancer (CRC) screening. AIHTA Policy Brief 011.
Goetz, G. and Schmidt, L. and Erdos, J. and Ciutan, M. and Florescu, S. and Sasu, C. and Scintee, S. G. (2019): POCT/ Point of Care Tests: D-Dimer and Troponin. HTA-Projektbericht 124.
Grössmann, N. and Wild, C. (2020): Update PET/PET-CT evidence for need based planning in the area of oncology. AIHTA Policy Brief 003.
Grössmann-Waniek, N. and Strohmaier, C. and Riegelnegg, M. (2024): Oncological Breast Cancer Care in Selected European Countries – Cross-sectoral cancer care models. HTA-Projektbericht 162.
Harrington, P. and Lucey, D. and O’Brien, K. and Jordan, K. and Moran, P. and Marshall, L. and Wilbacher, I. and Gloeckner, L. (2019): C-reactive protein point-of-care testing (CRP POCT) to guide antibiotic prescribing in primary care settings for acute respiratory tract infections. EUnetHTA-Report . HTA-Projektbericht 116.
Hinterreiter, G. (2008): Medical self-test kits - Expectations & actual benefit. HTA-Newsletter 72:3.
Huic, M. and Erdos, J. and Wild, C. (2024): Point of Care Tests (POCT): D-Dimer and Troponin. HTA-Projektbericht 124/ 1. Update.
Jeindl, R. and Goetz, G. (2021): Process and evaluation of digital health applications in the context of "symptom-checkers". HTA-Projektbericht 141.
Jeindl, R. and Mayer-Ferbas, J. (2024): Massive parallel sequencing – technologies for high-throughput analysis of genetic-genomic data sets. Rapid Review Nr.: 015.
Jeindl, R. and Mayer-Ferbas, J. (2024): Use of telepathology for intraoperative frozen section examination. Rapid Review Nr.: 012.
Jeindl, R. and Wild, C. (2020): Framework for reimbursement decisions of digital health technologies (mHealth) and its (retrospective) application on selected examples. HTA-Projektbericht 134.
Kern, J. and Reinsperger, I. and Hofer, V. (2024): Mental health screening of adults in primary care. HTA-Projektbericht 159.
Kisser, A. (2016): Hepatitis C virus screening in hospitals. Decision Support Document 102.
Kisser, A. and Mayer, J. and Wild, C. (2014): Opportunities and strategies to drive appropriate use of MRI in Austria. HTA-Projektbericht 80.
Kisser, A. and Naimer, Ch. (2015): Opportunities and strategies to drive appropriate use of MRI in Austria. Part 2. HTA-Projektbericht 80b.
Kisser, A. and Zechmeister-Koss, I. (2014): Procedural guidance for the systematic evaluation of biomarker tests. Decision Support Document 77.
Kisser, A. and Zechmeister-Koss, I. (2013): P16/Ki-67 Dual Stain in the triage of PAPIII/IIID cytology in cervical cancer screening . HTA-Projektbericht 72.
Krüger, L.J. and Wild, C. (2013): Evidence requirements for the authorization and reimbursement of high-risk medical devices in the USA, Europe, Australia and Canada: An analysis of seven high-risk medical devices. HTA-Projektbericht 73.
Nachtnebel, A. (2010): Evaluation of diagnostic technologies – background, challenges, methods. HTA-Projektbericht 36.
Pammer, C. and Abuzahra, M. and Wild, C. (2009): Classification of disease severity for neuro- and trauma rehabilitation Part 1: instruments for stroke and traumatic brain injury . HTA-Projektbericht 023a.
Patera, N. (2013): Screening for Colorectal Cancer. Part 3: Status of screening-activities and quality assurance of screening-colonoscopy. HTA-Projektbericht 41c.
Patera, N. (2010): Screening for Colorectal Cancer. Part 1: Screening-Tests and Project Design. (2nd revised edition). HTA-Projektbericht 41a.
Patera, N. and Schumacher, I. (2012): Screening for Colorectal Cancer. Part 1: Screening Tests and Program Design (3. updated edition). HTA-Projektbericht 41a.
Patera, N. and Schumacher, I. (2012): Screening for Colorectal Cancer. Part 2: Health economic evaluations and cost dynamics (2. updated edition). HTA-Projektbericht 41b.
Piso, B. and Wild, C. and Winkler, R. and Warmuth, M. (2011): Reorientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive care programme. Part IV: Synthesis of parts I-III, recommendations. HTA-Projektbericht 045d.
Radlberger, P. and Zechmeister, I. (2010): Screening for Colorectal Cancer. Part 2: Health economic evaluations and developments of costs. HTA-Projektbericht 41b.
Reinsperger, I. (2022): Regulation and financing of prenatal screening and diagnostic examinations for fetal anomalies in selected European countries. AIHTA Policy Brief 012.
Reinsperger, I. (2021): Parent-Child-Pass Update 2020/21 – Screenings for mental health, nutrition and social competence. AIHTA Policy Brief 005.
Rothschedl, E. and Wolf, S. (2023): Piflufolastat (18F) (Pylclari®) for the diagnosis of prostate cancer. Update October 2023. Fact Sheet Nr. 134.
Salamon, Maria (2016): Screening, diagnostics and indication for occupational therapy in children and adolescents with Developmental Coordination Disorders. Decision Support Document 96.
Semlitsch, T. and Jeitler, K. and Zipp, C. and Krenn, C. and Horvath, K. and Zens, Y. and Hausner, E. and Sauerland, S. and Störchel, M. and Sturtz, S. and Varela Lema, L. and Paz Valiñas, L. and Puñal Riobóo, J. and Cantero Muñoz, P. and Faraldo Vallés, M.J. (2020): Lung cancer screening in risk groups. HTA-Projektbericht 132a.
Semlitsch, T. and Horvath, K. (2019): Screening for Diabetes mellitus: guideline recommendations. HTA-Projektbericht 118.
Walter, M. and Strohmaier, C. (2020): Genetic Testing in the Context of Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Management. HTA-Projektbericht 130.
Warmuth, M. and Mad, P. and Piso, B. and Schumacher, I. and Wild, C. (2011): Reorientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive care programme. Part I: Epidemiology - Frequency of risk factors and disease during pregnancy and early childhood. HTA-Projektbericht 045a.
Wild, C. and Erdos, J. and Jeindl, R. (2024): Biomarkers in Parkinson's Disease. Rapid Review Nr.: 010.
Wild, C. and Grössmann, N. (2019): FoundationOne®CDx: genetic profiling of solid tumours. Rapid Assessment 014.
Wild, C. and Patera, N. and Küllinger, R. and Narath, M. (2015): PET/PET-CT Evidence for need based planning (in oncology indications). HTA-Projektbericht 77.
Winkler, R. and Wild, C. (2020): Implantation of a wireless pulmonary artery pressure sensor in patients with advanced heart failure. Decision Support Document 119.
Winkler, R. (2011): Reorientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive care programme. Part II: International policies, concepts and screening strategies focusing on “normal” and “high-risk” development processes during pregnancy and early childhood until school entry. HTA-Projektbericht 045b.
Zechmeister, I. and Loibl, T. (2011): Reorientation of the Austrian parent-child preventive care programme. Part III: Financing structures of services and public transfers for parents and young children. HTA-Projektbericht 045c.
Zorginstituut Nederland (ZIN), EUnetHTA and Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE), EUnetHTA (2018): MammaPrint® Added value of using the gene expression signature test MammaPrint® for adjuvant chemotherapy decision-making in early breast cancer. EUnetHTA report . HTA-Projektbericht 102.