AIHTA - Publications - Search - Items where Subject is "WX 200-225 Clinical departments and units"
Number of items at this level: 22.

Auinger, D. and Sehic, O. (2023): Update PET/PET-CT evidence for need based planning in the area of oncology. AIHTA Policy Brief 003/ 3. Update.

Fischer, S. and Kisser, A. (2015): Robot-assisted surgery: A systematic review of effectiveness and safety for elected indications and accumulating costs. HTA-Projektbericht 84.

Fischer, S. and Zechmeister-Koss, I (2012): Day Surgery. HTA- Projektbericht 64.

Geiger-Gritsch, S. and Absenger, G. and Endel, F. and Flicker, M. and Hermann, A. and Kocher, F. and Olschewski, H. and Pall, G. and Wurm, M. and Zechmeister, M. (2021): Health Services Research in Oncology: Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Anti-PD-1/PD-L1 Therapy in Real-World Practice. A Pilot Project in Cooperation with Tirol Kliniken GmbH & KAGes. HTA-Projektbericht 126.

Geiger-Gritsch, S. (2008): Horizon Scanning in Oncology - Concept Development. HTA-Newsletter 69: p. 3.

Geiger-Gritsch, S. (2008): Horizon Scanning in Oncology - Concept Development for the Preparation of a Horizon Scanning System in Austria . Projektbericht 14.

Goetz, G. and Schmidt, L. and Erdos, J. and Ciutan, M. and Florescu, S. and Sasu, C. and Scintee, S. G. (2019): POCT/ Point of Care Tests: D-Dimer and Troponin. HTA-Projektbericht 124.

Grössmann, N. and Wild, C. (2020): Update PET/PET-CT evidence for need based planning in the area of oncology. AIHTA Policy Brief 003.

Huic, M. and Erdos, J. and Wild, C. (2024): Point of Care Tests (POCT): D-Dimer and Troponin. HTA-Projektbericht 124/ 1. Update.

Mad, P. and Langer, T. and Guba, B. and Kvas, E. and Reichelt, C. and Adlbrecht, C. and Wild, C. (2007): [Role and positioning of university outpatient departments]. HTA-Projektbericht 05.

Riegelnegg, M. and Gassner, L. and Grössmann-Waniek, N. (2023): Robot-assisted surgery in thoracic and visceral indications – Update 2023. HTA-Projektbericht 108/ Update 2023.

Riegelnegg, M. and Giess, D. and Goetz, G. (2024): Artificial Intelligence in health care with a focus on hospitals: Methodological considerations for Health Technology Assessment. A Scoping Review. HTA-Projektbericht 164.

Wild, C. (2005): [Stroke rehabilitation] . HTA-Newsletter 41: p. 2.

Wild, C. (2003): [Ambulatory versus stationary haemodialysis for people with end-stage renal failure]. HTA-Newsletter 20: p. 4.

Wild, C. (2002): [Intensive care units: An evidence-based needs assessment for Austria]. HTA-Newsletter 10: p. 2.

Wild, C. (2002): [Meeting the needs of intensive care]. ITA-Newsletter September 2002: p. 5.

Wild, C. and Narath, M. and Frank, W. (2002): [Evidence-based ICU bed planning]. ITA-Projektbericht 23.

Wild, C. (2005): [HTA: Assessing health technologies]. Dialogue on intensive care medicine. Baden/Vienna, 29.10.2005.

Wild, C. (2005): [Needs assessment in medical care: ICU beds]. In: Nentwich, M. and Peissl, W. Technikfolgenabschätzung in der österreichischen Praxis: Wien: Verlag der ÖAW, 179 -198. ISBN 978-3-7001-3613-2.

Wild, C. and Narath, M. (2005): Evaluating and planning ICUs: Methods and approaches to differentiate between need and demand. Health Policy 71 (03): pp. 289-301.

Wild, C. and Narath, M. (2003): [Evidence-based intensive care planning. A systematic review of recent ICU-plans and planning approaches]. Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin 40 (05): pp. 412-419.

Wild, C. and Narath, M. (2002): [Evidence-based ICU bed planning]. Mitteilungen der Sanitätsverwaltung 01: pp. 9-12.

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